Dandruff cure
aloe vera dandruff cure - with aloe vera gel . About 10-15 minutes before you wash your hair, rub a lot of aloe vera gel into your scalp. leave it on for 10 minutes, and shampoo your hair like you regularly do. if you do this everyday the dandruff will stay away.
Using lime juice to wash hair.
Soak 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leave for ½ an hour. Wash with mild shampoo.
Ingredients: Olive oil and almond oil
Instructions: Mix the olive oil with the almond oil. Leave it on about 5 min.s after it starts to burn. Rinse well to clear dandruff.
Massage your hair with warm coconut oil and apply the juice of 2 lemons, steam your hair and leave the oil on for about 2 hours. Shampoo with a mild shampoo. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The incidence of depression has been growing at a phenomenal rate but the positive factor here is that people no longer fell stigmatized by acknowledging that they have a problem. The awareness has set in and once this hurdle is crossed, treating depression is possible.
The effects of depression can be traumatizing and the individual suffering from it feels emotionally, physically and even spiritually assaulted. It is an illness and one that has to be treated before it becomes too late.
Depression can break a weak willed person. When we talk of remedies for depression, you would like to deal with natural remedies and the purpose of this exercise is just to do that.
Depression can be caused by many factors both genetic and biological. Individuals may have a genetic makeup that makes them prone to depression or stressful events like the loss of a close one could also be a cause. In addition it is believed that it is also caused by biological factors. We have what are called neurotransmitters in your brains, which are responsible for sense of well being that we feel. Serotonin and other chemicals like dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine largely act as an anti depressants and tranquilizers. Depletion in the levels of these neurotransmitters could lead to depression.
Anti depressants essentially enhance neuro transmission simultaneously increasing the levels of the neuro transmitters especially serotonin.. Medication coupled with natural remedies has been known to be very effective in curing depression.
The incidence of depression has been growing at a phenomenal rate but the positive factor here is that people no longer fell stigmatized by acknowledging that they have a problem. The awareness has set in and once this hurdle is crossed, treating depression is possible.
The effects of depression can be traumatizing and the individual suffering from it feels emotionally, physically and even spiritually assaulted. It is an illness and one that has to be treated before it becomes too late.
Depression can break a weak willed person. When we talk of remedies for depression, you would like to deal with natural remedies and the purpose of this exercise is just to do that.
Depression can be caused by many factors both genetic and biological. Individuals may have a genetic makeup that makes them prone to depression or stressful events like the loss of a close one could also be a cause. In addition it is believed that it is also caused by biological factors. We have what are called neurotransmitters in your brains, which are responsible for sense of well being that we feel. Serotonin and other chemicals like dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine largely act as an anti depressants and tranquilizers. Depletion in the levels of these neurotransmitters could lead to depression.
Anti depressants essentially enhance neuro transmission simultaneously increasing the levels of the neuro transmitters especially serotonin.. Medication coupled with natural remedies has been known to be very effective in curing depression.
Sensitive Teeth
sensitive teeth
Sensitive teeth is usually caused by exposed dentin, the layer next to the enamel. A lot of things can cause dentin to be exposed. One most common is improper toothbrushing method.
Too much pressure applied during toothbrushing using a hard bristled toothbrush causes abrasion on the enamel layer, exposing the dentin layer beneath it.
Most common example of this is cervical abrasions, found in the "neck" portion of the tooth crown.
The tooth can also be bruised or abraded from dntal instrumentations, especially after a restorative procedure. Accidental biting on hard substances can also bruised the tooth. Another cause of tooth sensitivity is exposure of the root portion of the tooth due to gingival recession.
Pain from sensitive teeth is not always constant. It can come and go. Constant pain could be a sign of a more serious problem. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your dentist to determine the cause and proper treatment.
Depending on the diagnosis, your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments to relieve the symptoms of sensitive teeth:
A soft-bristle toothbrush.A special sensitive teeth toothpaste which can either block access to the nerve or make the nerve itself less sensitive.
A fluoride rinse or sensitive teeth gel, recommended by your dentist.
A sensitivity protection toothpaste usually takes several weeks to ease pain. Follow the instructions of your dental professional on the regular use of sensitivity protection toothpaste to keep pain from returning
Some sensitive teeth toothpaste or sensitive teeth gel can be used on your regular tooth brushing schedules
Sensitive teeth is usually caused by exposed dentin, the layer next to the enamel. A lot of things can cause dentin to be exposed. One most common is improper toothbrushing method.
Too much pressure applied during toothbrushing using a hard bristled toothbrush causes abrasion on the enamel layer, exposing the dentin layer beneath it.
Most common example of this is cervical abrasions, found in the "neck" portion of the tooth crown.
The tooth can also be bruised or abraded from dntal instrumentations, especially after a restorative procedure. Accidental biting on hard substances can also bruised the tooth. Another cause of tooth sensitivity is exposure of the root portion of the tooth due to gingival recession.
Pain from sensitive teeth is not always constant. It can come and go. Constant pain could be a sign of a more serious problem. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your dentist to determine the cause and proper treatment.
Depending on the diagnosis, your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments to relieve the symptoms of sensitive teeth:
A soft-bristle toothbrush.A special sensitive teeth toothpaste which can either block access to the nerve or make the nerve itself less sensitive.
A fluoride rinse or sensitive teeth gel, recommended by your dentist.
A sensitivity protection toothpaste usually takes several weeks to ease pain. Follow the instructions of your dental professional on the regular use of sensitivity protection toothpaste to keep pain from returning
Some sensitive teeth toothpaste or sensitive teeth gel can be used on your regular tooth brushing schedules
Bleeding Gums
Treatment for Bleeding gums:
Gingivitis (pronounced "jin-ja-VI-tus"), is the inflammation, swelling, and bleeding of gum tissues.
Have you ever wondered when your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? It is a first sign of gingivitis.
The primary cause of gingivitis is the bacteria that coats your teeth, and if oral hygiene is poor, it forms a sticky white substance called plaque.
The bacteria here proliferates faster and produces toxins that irritates your gums, keeping them swollen and red.
When they are left untreated, they will destroy the tissues connecting the gums to the tooth, and eventually the tooth to the bones, causing a deep pocket and eventually attacks the bony structure. It has now progressed into what we call periodontitis which is an irreversible form of gum disease.
tips & home remedies for bleeding gums
With a pinch of salt soaked in a glass of lukewarm water, you now create a homemade saline solution. Use this to rinse in the morning and in the evening. This will help increase circulation in your gums and reduce the swelling.
No matter how well and how often you brush your teeth, you can't reach the areas between your teeth and below the gums. Make the habit of flossing. Floss comes in very handy. Keep one in your bag or at your office. After meal, floss it!
Gingivitis (pronounced "jin-ja-VI-tus"), is the inflammation, swelling, and bleeding of gum tissues.
Have you ever wondered when your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? It is a first sign of gingivitis.
The primary cause of gingivitis is the bacteria that coats your teeth, and if oral hygiene is poor, it forms a sticky white substance called plaque.
The bacteria here proliferates faster and produces toxins that irritates your gums, keeping them swollen and red.
When they are left untreated, they will destroy the tissues connecting the gums to the tooth, and eventually the tooth to the bones, causing a deep pocket and eventually attacks the bony structure. It has now progressed into what we call periodontitis which is an irreversible form of gum disease.
tips & home remedies for bleeding gums
With a pinch of salt soaked in a glass of lukewarm water, you now create a homemade saline solution. Use this to rinse in the morning and in the evening. This will help increase circulation in your gums and reduce the swelling.
No matter how well and how often you brush your teeth, you can't reach the areas between your teeth and below the gums. Make the habit of flossing. Floss comes in very handy. Keep one in your bag or at your office. After meal, floss it!
Before looking at the home remedy for yeast infection, it is important to understand this infection. The fact is that most people are afraid of suffering from infections and end up complicating things further because of their fear and discomfort.
Some times they tend to overlook the symptoms as the develop hoping that a miracle will do away with the entire ailment. But this is not so? So, to begin at the very beginning – yeast infections primarily inflict women who are in the age group within which they can naturally bear a child
According to the medical statistics anywhere between 70% to 80% of this infection is caused by Candida albicans, which is a strain of yeast. This, as well as other strains of yeast naturally crop up in a woman's vagina, in miniscule amounts and are kept in control by Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is a bacterium that naturally arises in the vagina. However, a yeast infection only occurs when there is imbalance in the existence of these organisms.
This imbalance is caused due to varied reasons that include:
· Use and in-take of broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as steroids and certain birth control pills that tend to destroy the required abovementioned bacteria.
· During pregnancy and prior to menstruation a woman goes through hormonal changes, which is also a contributing factor to yeast infection
· When the vagina is frequently exposed to semen the acidic balance of the vagina is affected causing the infection.
· Sometimes the very products one uses to keep the vagina clean can cause infections as the ingredients maybe extremely harsh
· Wearing tight jeans and other such clothing that does not give that area too much scope to breathe contributes to bringing about this infection.
Apart from the abovementioned causes, there are various others too. The important thing is to be aware of what causes yeast infections in order to prevent it from happening.
While most women rush out to pick up the quick-fix medications, the fact is the home remedies have a longer lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, apart from curing, these remedies can be used daily to ensure that the infections do not occur.
Before looking at the home remedy for yeast infection, it is important to understand this infection. The fact is that most people are afraid of suffering from infections and end up complicating things further because of their fear and discomfort.
Some times they tend to overlook the symptoms as the develop hoping that a miracle will do away with the entire ailment. But this is not so? So, to begin at the very beginning – yeast infections primarily inflict women who are in the age group within which they can naturally bear a child
According to the medical statistics anywhere between 70% to 80% of this infection is caused by Candida albicans, which is a strain of yeast. This, as well as other strains of yeast naturally crop up in a woman's vagina, in miniscule amounts and are kept in control by Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is a bacterium that naturally arises in the vagina. However, a yeast infection only occurs when there is imbalance in the existence of these organisms.
This imbalance is caused due to varied reasons that include:
· Use and in-take of broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as steroids and certain birth control pills that tend to destroy the required abovementioned bacteria.
· During pregnancy and prior to menstruation a woman goes through hormonal changes, which is also a contributing factor to yeast infection
· When the vagina is frequently exposed to semen the acidic balance of the vagina is affected causing the infection.
· Sometimes the very products one uses to keep the vagina clean can cause infections as the ingredients maybe extremely harsh
· Wearing tight jeans and other such clothing that does not give that area too much scope to breathe contributes to bringing about this infection.
Apart from the abovementioned causes, there are various others too. The important thing is to be aware of what causes yeast infections in order to prevent it from happening.
While most women rush out to pick up the quick-fix medications, the fact is the home remedies have a longer lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, apart from curing, these remedies can be used daily to ensure that the infections do not occur.
Abdomen Pain
Abdomen Pain
Abdominal pain is pain that you feel in the abdominal area (the area between your chest and groin), often referred to as the stomach region or belly. Even when you feel pain there, however, Abdomen pain may originate from somewhere else -- like your chest, pelvic region (the area just below the abdomen that houses the reproductive organs), or a generalized infection affecting many parts of your body (like the flu or strep throat). For abdomen pain, always consult with your doctor first.
Causes of pain of lower right abdomen are frequently appendicitis; pain of upper abdomen may be caused by stomach or duodenum diseases; pain at the rim of lower abdomen and lower back may be caused by kidney stones or ureter stones, pain of right rid may be caused by liver and gallbladder diseases; pain of left rid may be caused by spleen disease; Cramp at the rim of lower abdomen and inguen of women are usually caused by pre-menstruation symptoms. You doctor can diagnose & guide you best.
Abdominal pain is pain that you feel in the abdominal area (the area between your chest and groin), often referred to as the stomach region or belly. Even when you feel pain there, however, Abdomen pain may originate from somewhere else -- like your chest, pelvic region (the area just below the abdomen that houses the reproductive organs), or a generalized infection affecting many parts of your body (like the flu or strep throat). For abdomen pain, always consult with your doctor first.
Causes of pain of lower right abdomen are frequently appendicitis; pain of upper abdomen may be caused by stomach or duodenum diseases; pain at the rim of lower abdomen and lower back may be caused by kidney stones or ureter stones, pain of right rid may be caused by liver and gallbladder diseases; pain of left rid may be caused by spleen disease; Cramp at the rim of lower abdomen and inguen of women are usually caused by pre-menstruation symptoms. You doctor can diagnose & guide you best.
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure
The number of people suffering from hypertension is growing at an alarming rate and the culprits are the lifestyles that we lead and the kind of food that we eat. So what is this blood pressure that we keep referring to? The blood circulating in the body exerts a certain force on the walls of the arteries, veins and the heart chambers. If the force increases, then the blood pressure increases and high blood pressure can trigger the formation of plaque in the arteries (arteriosclerosis), which can later lead to heart attacks and strokes. So, high blood pressure needs to be controlled. Let us look at some of the natural remedies that may help to combat this condition.
Managing stress, which has become an everyday affair plays an important role in controlling high blood pressure. Breathing exercise like Pranayam, meditation and doing yoga have helped to combat high blood pressure. The benefits of regular exercise cannot be overlooked. It helps to lower blood pressure and decrease the resting heart rate, which is important for the health of the heart. In combination with other techniques, high blood pressure can be controlled.
Aromatherapy is now being associated as a remedy for high blood pressure. The oil of blue chamomile is said to be beneficial under stressful conditions when inhaled directly. A combination of lavender oil and olive or sunflower oil with blue chamomile massaged under the collarbone every night is said to afford relief from high blood pressure. Next to exercise, managing your diet is the next important step towards achieving control of blood pressure.
Consumption of adequate Sodium, potassium and magnesium help to lower blood pressure. The dietary ratio between sodium and potassium and sodium and magnesium has got to be narrowed. This can easily be done. Bananas, melons, grapefruit, oranges, cabbage and cauliflower and other fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in potassium Magnesium is present in nuts, rice, wheat germ, beans, soy and also in bananas. So go ahead and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Supplementing with oral calcium will also help. Celery and celery oil helps in the dilation of the muscles that regulate blood pressure and is considered to be very beneficial. Celery juice in combination with carrot juice and water makes a nutritious and beneficial drink..
Cloves of garlic, which we use regularly in Indian cooking, helps to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase circulation of blood. Garlic pills or powder help to make blood thinner but you have to be careful when it is combined with prescription drugs.
Ayurvedic treatment of high blood pressure is very common in the Indian set up. The treatment is highly individualized according to what is referred to as"dosha" or in more common parlance one's constitution. A diet low in salt and fat and herbs like Sankhapuspi and ashwagandha are supposed to be cardio protective and help in the strengthening of heart muscles. The bark of the Arjuna tree is said to induce a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries are useful in combating mild high blood pressure by improving heart function and in treating irregular beating of the heart and angina. Dandelion is a popular home remedy which more or less acts as a diuretic and thus helping to lower high blood pressure. As there is no loss of potassium and as dandelion leaves are easy to attain, it does seem an easy remedy. Reishi, the Japanese mushroom reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and also helps to combat high blood pressure. Homeopathy is just as popular in India as Ayurveda or Allopathy.
Sound therapy and imagery are gaining in popularity as natural remedies for high blood pressure. It has been found that listening to relaxing music for about 20 to 30 minutes a day slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Just close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, lie down in a comfortable position and let your body absorb the sound energy. Use headphones and you will find that the music soothes you and helps you to relax. Imagery psychiatrists say when practiced for 3-5 minutes a couple of times a day does help to combat high blood pressure. Of course it involves visualization of the sense of coolness pervading every pore of your body and imagining it to enter your blood stream and sensing that your elevated blood pressure is being lowered. Reflexology has its share of helping to stablise blood pressure by focusing on foot reflexes. No one can deny the power of yogic postures. "Shavasana" and the Knee squeeze help in the circulation of blood , relieves tension and both in turn help to combat high blood pressure. Grandma's remedies especially in India still have a following. Equal amounts of melon seeds and khus khus ground into a powder are a favorite. A teaspoon early in the morning and late in the evening is effective. The juice of curry leaves mixed with water and limejuice has its own potency. It is said that coriander and fenugreek leaves also produce the same effect and as they are harmless it is worth the try. Grandma also says that honey, ginger juice and cumin powder is an excellent natural remedy for high blood pressure. Whatever remedy you choose, the bottom line is this ---changing your lifestyle, managing your stress and controlling your diet are all in your hands.
The number of people suffering from hypertension is growing at an alarming rate and the culprits are the lifestyles that we lead and the kind of food that we eat. So what is this blood pressure that we keep referring to? The blood circulating in the body exerts a certain force on the walls of the arteries, veins and the heart chambers. If the force increases, then the blood pressure increases and high blood pressure can trigger the formation of plaque in the arteries (arteriosclerosis), which can later lead to heart attacks and strokes. So, high blood pressure needs to be controlled. Let us look at some of the natural remedies that may help to combat this condition.
Managing stress, which has become an everyday affair plays an important role in controlling high blood pressure. Breathing exercise like Pranayam, meditation and doing yoga have helped to combat high blood pressure. The benefits of regular exercise cannot be overlooked. It helps to lower blood pressure and decrease the resting heart rate, which is important for the health of the heart. In combination with other techniques, high blood pressure can be controlled.
Aromatherapy is now being associated as a remedy for high blood pressure. The oil of blue chamomile is said to be beneficial under stressful conditions when inhaled directly. A combination of lavender oil and olive or sunflower oil with blue chamomile massaged under the collarbone every night is said to afford relief from high blood pressure. Next to exercise, managing your diet is the next important step towards achieving control of blood pressure.
Consumption of adequate Sodium, potassium and magnesium help to lower blood pressure. The dietary ratio between sodium and potassium and sodium and magnesium has got to be narrowed. This can easily be done. Bananas, melons, grapefruit, oranges, cabbage and cauliflower and other fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in potassium Magnesium is present in nuts, rice, wheat germ, beans, soy and also in bananas. So go ahead and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Supplementing with oral calcium will also help. Celery and celery oil helps in the dilation of the muscles that regulate blood pressure and is considered to be very beneficial. Celery juice in combination with carrot juice and water makes a nutritious and beneficial drink..
Cloves of garlic, which we use regularly in Indian cooking, helps to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase circulation of blood. Garlic pills or powder help to make blood thinner but you have to be careful when it is combined with prescription drugs.
Ayurvedic treatment of high blood pressure is very common in the Indian set up. The treatment is highly individualized according to what is referred to as"dosha" or in more common parlance one's constitution. A diet low in salt and fat and herbs like Sankhapuspi and ashwagandha are supposed to be cardio protective and help in the strengthening of heart muscles. The bark of the Arjuna tree is said to induce a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries are useful in combating mild high blood pressure by improving heart function and in treating irregular beating of the heart and angina. Dandelion is a popular home remedy which more or less acts as a diuretic and thus helping to lower high blood pressure. As there is no loss of potassium and as dandelion leaves are easy to attain, it does seem an easy remedy. Reishi, the Japanese mushroom reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and also helps to combat high blood pressure. Homeopathy is just as popular in India as Ayurveda or Allopathy.
Sound therapy and imagery are gaining in popularity as natural remedies for high blood pressure. It has been found that listening to relaxing music for about 20 to 30 minutes a day slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Just close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, lie down in a comfortable position and let your body absorb the sound energy. Use headphones and you will find that the music soothes you and helps you to relax. Imagery psychiatrists say when practiced for 3-5 minutes a couple of times a day does help to combat high blood pressure. Of course it involves visualization of the sense of coolness pervading every pore of your body and imagining it to enter your blood stream and sensing that your elevated blood pressure is being lowered. Reflexology has its share of helping to stablise blood pressure by focusing on foot reflexes. No one can deny the power of yogic postures. "Shavasana" and the Knee squeeze help in the circulation of blood , relieves tension and both in turn help to combat high blood pressure. Grandma's remedies especially in India still have a following. Equal amounts of melon seeds and khus khus ground into a powder are a favorite. A teaspoon early in the morning and late in the evening is effective. The juice of curry leaves mixed with water and limejuice has its own potency. It is said that coriander and fenugreek leaves also produce the same effect and as they are harmless it is worth the try. Grandma also says that honey, ginger juice and cumin powder is an excellent natural remedy for high blood pressure. Whatever remedy you choose, the bottom line is this ---changing your lifestyle, managing your stress and controlling your diet are all in your hands.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Backache or Back pain
Backache is one of the most common ailments prevalent today. Sedentary living habits, hazardous work patterns and psychological conditions associated with emotional stress, which bring about spasm of the muscles, cause backaches. As the back bears the weight of the entire body, overweight persons feel the strain on the back when they have to carry an extra load.
Symptoms of Backache or Back pain
Pain in the middle of back or lower down
In most cases of backache, the pain is usually felt either in the middle of the back or lower down. It may spread to both sides of the waist and the hips. In a condition of acute pain, the patient is unable to move and is bedridden.
People suffer from cervical and lumbar spondylosis
About ninety per cent of backache patients suffer from what is called cervical and lumbar spondylosis. It is a degenerative disorder in which the different vertebrae adhere to each other through bony unions. As a result of this, the spine loses its flexibility.
Causes of Backache
Muscular tension, straining of the joints, poor posture
The main causes of backache and spondylosis are muscular tension, straining of the joints, poor posture, and incorrect nutrition resulting from dietetic errors and lack of exercise.
Kidney or prostate problems, female disorders, influenza
Acute or chronic illnesses like kidney or prostate problems, female disorders, Influenza, and arthritis, may also lead to backache.
Sitting for a long time, high heels
Other causes include stress and strain resulting from sitting for a long time, improper lifting of weights, high heels, and emotional problems which may cause painful muscle cramping.
Home Remedies for Backache
Backache treatment using Garlic
The most important home remedy for backache is the use of garlic. Two or three cloves should be taken every morning to get results. An oil prepared from garlic and rubbed on the back will give great relief. This oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil in a frying pan. Any of the oils which are used as rubefacients, such as mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil can be used according to one's choice. They should be fried on a slow fire till they are brown. After the oil has cooled, it should be applied vigorously on the back, and allowed to remain there for three hours. The patient may, thereafter, take a warm-water bath. This treatment should be continu ed for at least fifteen days.
Backache treatment using Lemon
Lemon is another useful remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with common salt and taken by the patient twice daily. It will give relief.
Backache treatment using Chebulic Myroblan
The use of chebulic myroblan is beneficial in the treatment of backache. A small piece of this fruit should be eaten after meals. This will give quick relief.
Backache treatment using Vitamin C
Vitamin C has proved valuable in case of severe backaches. About 2,000 mg of this vitamin should be taken daily for treating this condition. Considerable improvement will be noticeable within two days.
Backache treatment using Potato
Raw potato is an ancient home remedy for backache, characterised by incapacitating pain in the lumbar region, especially in the lower part of the back. Application of raw potato in the fom of a poultice has been found very effective in this condition.
Dietaries for Backache
Salad of raw vegetables, plenty of fruits
The diet of those suffering from backache should consist of a salad of raw vegetables such as tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce, and, at least two steamed or lightly cooked vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, spinach, and plenty of fruits, except bananas. The patient should have four meals daily. Fruit and milk are advised for breakfast, steamed vegetables and wholewheat chapatis for lunch; fresh fruit or fruit juice in the evening; and a bowl of raw salad and sprouts during dinner.
Avoid fatty, spicy fried foods and processed foods
The patient should avoid fatty, spicy, and fried foods; curd, sweetmeats and sugar; condiments; and tea and coffee. Foods that have been processed for preservation have few nutrients and should also be eliminated from the diet.
Other Backache treatments for back pains
Avoid smoking and tobacco intake
Smoking or taking tobacco in any from should be given up completely.
Hot fomentation and alternate sponging
Hot fomentation, alternate sponging, or application of heat to the back will also give immediate relief.
Yogic asanas are also useful
Yogic asanas which are beneficial in the treatment of backache are bhujangasana, shalabhasana, halasana, uttanpadasana and shavasana.
Symptoms of Backache or Back pain
Pain in the middle of back or lower down
In most cases of backache, the pain is usually felt either in the middle of the back or lower down. It may spread to both sides of the waist and the hips. In a condition of acute pain, the patient is unable to move and is bedridden.
People suffer from cervical and lumbar spondylosis
About ninety per cent of backache patients suffer from what is called cervical and lumbar spondylosis. It is a degenerative disorder in which the different vertebrae adhere to each other through bony unions. As a result of this, the spine loses its flexibility.
Causes of Backache
Muscular tension, straining of the joints, poor posture
The main causes of backache and spondylosis are muscular tension, straining of the joints, poor posture, and incorrect nutrition resulting from dietetic errors and lack of exercise.
Kidney or prostate problems, female disorders, influenza
Acute or chronic illnesses like kidney or prostate problems, female disorders, Influenza, and arthritis, may also lead to backache.
Sitting for a long time, high heels
Other causes include stress and strain resulting from sitting for a long time, improper lifting of weights, high heels, and emotional problems which may cause painful muscle cramping.
Home Remedies for Backache
Backache treatment using Garlic
The most important home remedy for backache is the use of garlic. Two or three cloves should be taken every morning to get results. An oil prepared from garlic and rubbed on the back will give great relief. This oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil in a frying pan. Any of the oils which are used as rubefacients, such as mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil can be used according to one's choice. They should be fried on a slow fire till they are brown. After the oil has cooled, it should be applied vigorously on the back, and allowed to remain there for three hours. The patient may, thereafter, take a warm-water bath. This treatment should be continu ed for at least fifteen days.
Backache treatment using Lemon
Lemon is another useful remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with common salt and taken by the patient twice daily. It will give relief.
Backache treatment using Chebulic Myroblan
The use of chebulic myroblan is beneficial in the treatment of backache. A small piece of this fruit should be eaten after meals. This will give quick relief.
Backache treatment using Vitamin C
Vitamin C has proved valuable in case of severe backaches. About 2,000 mg of this vitamin should be taken daily for treating this condition. Considerable improvement will be noticeable within two days.
Backache treatment using Potato
Raw potato is an ancient home remedy for backache, characterised by incapacitating pain in the lumbar region, especially in the lower part of the back. Application of raw potato in the fom of a poultice has been found very effective in this condition.
Dietaries for Backache
Salad of raw vegetables, plenty of fruits
The diet of those suffering from backache should consist of a salad of raw vegetables such as tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce, and, at least two steamed or lightly cooked vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, spinach, and plenty of fruits, except bananas. The patient should have four meals daily. Fruit and milk are advised for breakfast, steamed vegetables and wholewheat chapatis for lunch; fresh fruit or fruit juice in the evening; and a bowl of raw salad and sprouts during dinner.
Avoid fatty, spicy fried foods and processed foods
The patient should avoid fatty, spicy, and fried foods; curd, sweetmeats and sugar; condiments; and tea and coffee. Foods that have been processed for preservation have few nutrients and should also be eliminated from the diet.
Other Backache treatments for back pains
Avoid smoking and tobacco intake
Smoking or taking tobacco in any from should be given up completely.
Hot fomentation and alternate sponging
Hot fomentation, alternate sponging, or application of heat to the back will also give immediate relief.
Yogic asanas are also useful
Yogic asanas which are beneficial in the treatment of backache are bhujangasana, shalabhasana, halasana, uttanpadasana and shavasana.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
FAQ about Nutrition
Q: I want to lose 15 kilos by New Years Eve. Which is the most effective crash diet?
A: I do not encourage crash dieting. It does grate harm to the body. As a nutritionist, I would advice you to loose weight the right way – by right nutrition and regular, effective exercise. Consult a nutritionist for suggestions.
Q: What are the benefits of walking regularly?
A: The benefits of walking are plenty: Walking is a natural, healthy expression of human body. It is also the easiest, safest and most inexpensive form of exercise. It is the perfect exercise for weight loss since it is aerobic in nature. It improves both muscle tone and strength; de-stressing and can help with back pain, osteoporosis, respiratory problems, diabetes, arthritis, cardiac rehabilitation and a variety of other health problems.
Q: Could you suggest a healthy juice I can have as a mid- morning drink?
A: Here is an example: Energy shake: Ingredients: Handful parsley 4-6 carrots, greens removed Parsley sprig for garnish Methods: - mix all ingredients together in a blender with a few ice cubes. Add a drop of vanilla essence if needed. Serve chilled.
Q: Please suggest a list of foods that would help to build my familys immune systems. My daughter has very low immunity
A: Foods like apples, pears, beetroot, cabbage, carrots, garlic, honey, oily fish, papayas, mangoes, peppers, seaweed, seeds, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and watercress are great to boost the immune system.
Q: What are the health benefits of honey?
A: • A source of quick energy • Adds flavor to foods and beverages and improves shelf-life of baked goods. • Has anti-microbial properties • Helps in asthma • Relieves colds, coughs • Aids in digestion • Has wound – healing properties
Q: Could you give me a few tips that can improve my hair?
A: • Just like your body, your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. That's why this food plan contains a rainbow of FRUITS AND VEGETABLES that are loaded with vitamins antioxidants, whole grains for minerals, nuts and seeds for minerals and vitamins, and protein. • Water not only hydrates your body, but helps keep your hair silky and shiny. It includes eight to ten glasses of water every day. • Fibers from fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes are food for your body and your hair. • Cut down on caffeine. It includes herbal infusion which are caffeine free or green tea which contain 50% less caffeine.
Q: How can I get an intake of copper in my diet?
A: You could start drink water which is stored overnight in copper container. Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fey fruits, egg, and chicken contain copper too.
Q: Can I go on the Atkins diet to lose weight fast?
A: It's dangerous diet with high fat and protein. It will do more harm than good. It is best to lose weight through right nutrition and effective exercise. Consult a nutritionist.
Q: which are the foods rich in iron?
A: The following foods contain a good amount of iron:- Onion Cherries Blackberries Spinach Dark green leafy vegetables Berries Parsley.
Q: Should I try cosmetic surgery to lose weight?
A: Unless do a lifestyle change in your diet, the weight you lose due to your cosmetic surgery is bound to come back. It is best to lose weight through right nutrition. Consult a nutritionist.
A: I do not encourage crash dieting. It does grate harm to the body. As a nutritionist, I would advice you to loose weight the right way – by right nutrition and regular, effective exercise. Consult a nutritionist for suggestions.
Q: What are the benefits of walking regularly?
A: The benefits of walking are plenty: Walking is a natural, healthy expression of human body. It is also the easiest, safest and most inexpensive form of exercise. It is the perfect exercise for weight loss since it is aerobic in nature. It improves both muscle tone and strength; de-stressing and can help with back pain, osteoporosis, respiratory problems, diabetes, arthritis, cardiac rehabilitation and a variety of other health problems.
Q: Could you suggest a healthy juice I can have as a mid- morning drink?
A: Here is an example: Energy shake: Ingredients: Handful parsley 4-6 carrots, greens removed Parsley sprig for garnish Methods: - mix all ingredients together in a blender with a few ice cubes. Add a drop of vanilla essence if needed. Serve chilled.
Q: Please suggest a list of foods that would help to build my familys immune systems. My daughter has very low immunity
A: Foods like apples, pears, beetroot, cabbage, carrots, garlic, honey, oily fish, papayas, mangoes, peppers, seaweed, seeds, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and watercress are great to boost the immune system.
Q: What are the health benefits of honey?
A: • A source of quick energy • Adds flavor to foods and beverages and improves shelf-life of baked goods. • Has anti-microbial properties • Helps in asthma • Relieves colds, coughs • Aids in digestion • Has wound – healing properties
Q: Could you give me a few tips that can improve my hair?
A: • Just like your body, your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. That's why this food plan contains a rainbow of FRUITS AND VEGETABLES that are loaded with vitamins antioxidants, whole grains for minerals, nuts and seeds for minerals and vitamins, and protein. • Water not only hydrates your body, but helps keep your hair silky and shiny. It includes eight to ten glasses of water every day. • Fibers from fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes are food for your body and your hair. • Cut down on caffeine. It includes herbal infusion which are caffeine free or green tea which contain 50% less caffeine.
Q: How can I get an intake of copper in my diet?
A: You could start drink water which is stored overnight in copper container. Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fey fruits, egg, and chicken contain copper too.
Q: Can I go on the Atkins diet to lose weight fast?
A: It's dangerous diet with high fat and protein. It will do more harm than good. It is best to lose weight through right nutrition and effective exercise. Consult a nutritionist.
Q: which are the foods rich in iron?
A: The following foods contain a good amount of iron:- Onion Cherries Blackberries Spinach Dark green leafy vegetables Berries Parsley.
Q: Should I try cosmetic surgery to lose weight?
A: Unless do a lifestyle change in your diet, the weight you lose due to your cosmetic surgery is bound to come back. It is best to lose weight through right nutrition. Consult a nutritionist.
Home Remadies for Glowing Skin, Pimples, Block Spots
For Glowing skin
A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
Mix oats with honey, yogurt and ground almonds. Apply this in your face, leave it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser.
Take 1/3-cup cocoa, three teaspoon of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This is best for oily skin
For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes , lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don't be alarmed if your skin tingles.
Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin.
Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturiser for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.
Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin glow.
Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mask set on your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin.
Mix half-a-cup honey to your bath water for soft and smooth skin.
For a soothing body pack, prepare a paste of mint leaves and almonds. Mix it with warm water and apply all over your body. Leave it till it dries and rinse with warm water.
Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.
Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes.
For dark underarms and neck apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeri c daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes.
For removing facial hair.. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week.
Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling oily shine.
For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
Cauliflower juice applied on warts regularly will make them fall.
For a fair skin, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and wash off.
Mix half teaspoon dried curry leaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face. Wash it after it gets dry.
Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.
Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.
Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face.
Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.
Mix 1 table spoon of barley powder with half teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply it on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
Mix pineapple juice and carrot juice together and apply it on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
Mix vinegar and rose water in equal quantities and apply.
Mix curd and cucumber juice and apply it on the face.
Apply the mixture of coconut water and thick pineapple juice.
Make a paste with 1/2 teaspoon of milk powder, 1/4 teaspoon of egg white and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and apply on the face.
For dry skin, Make a paste with egg yolk, olive oil and lemon juice. Apply it on the neck and face, wash it out after 10 minutes.
For oily skin, take a mixture of oatmeal and egg white and apply it on the neck and face
For glowing skin, use basin or green gram powder mixed with milk instead of soap
Apply the mixture of raw turmeric and cream of milk on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. It will make your skin fair.
Apply the mixture of honey, basin, cream of milk and olive oil as a face pack.
Apply the paste of fenugreek with milk on the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water.
Make a paste of red sandal wood and apply it on the face every day for glowing skin.
Make a paste with red sandal powder and coconut milk and apply on the face for soft skin.
For Black Spots
Make a paste with mehndi and oil and apply on the face
Make a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply it on the spots
Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used
Grind dried
basil leaf, neem and mint (100 gm each). Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.
Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots
Soak a chappathi in milk overnight . Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days
Make a paste of saffron and add some honey , apply it on the face to remove black spots.
To remove black spots... apply a paste of turmeric and basil.
To remove wrinkles on the face, apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, rosewater and glycerin. Wash with cold water after some time
For pimples
Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face .
A mixture of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.
Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.
Crush garlic and take the juice and apply it on the face daily to reduce pimples
Make a paste with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.
A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
Mix oats with honey, yogurt and ground almonds. Apply this in your face, leave it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser.
Take 1/3-cup cocoa, three teaspoon of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This is best for oily skin
For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes , lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don't be alarmed if your skin tingles.
Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin.
Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturiser for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.
Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin glow.
Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mask set on your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin.
Mix half-a-cup honey to your bath water for soft and smooth skin.
For a soothing body pack, prepare a paste of mint leaves and almonds. Mix it with warm water and apply all over your body. Leave it till it dries and rinse with warm water.
Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.
Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes.
For dark underarms and neck apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeri c daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes.
For removing facial hair.. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week.
Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling oily shine.
For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
Cauliflower juice applied on warts regularly will make them fall.
For a fair skin, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and wash off.
Mix half teaspoon dried curry leaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face. Wash it after it gets dry.
Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.
Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.
Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face.
Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.
Mix 1 table spoon of barley powder with half teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply it on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
Mix pineapple juice and carrot juice together and apply it on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
Mix vinegar and rose water in equal quantities and apply.
Mix curd and cucumber juice and apply it on the face.
Apply the mixture of coconut water and thick pineapple juice.
Make a paste with 1/2 teaspoon of milk powder, 1/4 teaspoon of egg white and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and apply on the face.
For dry skin, Make a paste with egg yolk, olive oil and lemon juice. Apply it on the neck and face, wash it out after 10 minutes.
For oily skin, take a mixture of oatmeal and egg white and apply it on the neck and face
For glowing skin, use basin or green gram powder mixed with milk instead of soap
Apply the mixture of raw turmeric and cream of milk on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. It will make your skin fair.
Apply the mixture of honey, basin, cream of milk and olive oil as a face pack.
Apply the paste of fenugreek with milk on the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water.
Make a paste of red sandal wood and apply it on the face every day for glowing skin.
Make a paste with red sandal powder and coconut milk and apply on the face for soft skin.
For Black Spots
Make a paste with mehndi and oil and apply on the face
Make a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply it on the spots
Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used
Grind dried
basil leaf, neem and mint (100 gm each). Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.
Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots
Soak a chappathi in milk overnight . Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days
Make a paste of saffron and add some honey , apply it on the face to remove black spots.
To remove black spots... apply a paste of turmeric and basil.
To remove wrinkles on the face, apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, rosewater and glycerin. Wash with cold water after some time
For pimples
Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face .
A mixture of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.
Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.
Crush garlic and take the juice and apply it on the face daily to reduce pimples
Make a paste with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.
Friday, December 21, 2007
What is Dyslexia??
Dyslexia (say: dis-lek-see-uh) is a learning problem some kids have with reading and writing. It can make words look jumbled. This makes it difficult for a kid to read and remember what was read.
So what's going on inside the person's brain? Well, it doesn't mean the person is dumb. In fact, some very smart people have had dyslexia. How smart? Well, some people say Albert Einstein was dyslexic.
The problem does occur in the brain, though. Sometimes the messages the brain is sending get jumbled up or confused. A kid who has dyslexia might get frustrated and find it hard to do schoolwork. But the good news is that dyslexia doesn't need to keep a kid down.
How to recognise dyslexia in children?

Reading and learning are the two things that determine the success of a child during his school career. First he learns to read. Then he reads to learn. Reading is therefore of paramount importance in the educational process.
Unfortunately poor reading skills, and therefore poor learning skills, have become a reality for an alarming number of children. The word "dyslexia" is often used to refer to reading problems, while the symptoms below indicate that a child has dyslexia and therefore needs help:
First of all, it is important to exclude a range of other reasons why a child is having great difficulty in learning to read and write. These include poor eyesight, hearing difficulties, absence from school through ill health, inadequate or very interrupted schooling or emotional stress at home.
Hearing problems are particularly important. Many young children suffer ear infections and for a minority this is followed by a condition called glue ear. This can significantly reduce a child's hearing ability for a time.
Researchers have found that if children suffer from this condition around the age of two (when they are acquiring spoken language very rapidly) or around five (when they are beginning to learn the skills needed for reading), they are more likely to experience difficulties in learning to read. If they are dyslexic, these difficulties will certainly compound the problem.
Once these reasons have been ruled out, most experts would agree that there are signs even before children start school which indicate that they might be dyslexic. However, young children develop at different rates and it is important to remember this and allow for normal variation.
It is useful to question whether there is a history of reading or spelling difficulties in the family, although a family history does not mean that every child in the family will have dyslexia.
Parents who are concerned should also be aware of other problems that may arise. Some dyslexic children have difficulties finding the appropriate words to express themselves and may be slow to process information. Many such children may become isolated socially and find friendships difficult.
Other children may have motor difficulties. If they are generally clumsy or bad at sport they are often teased and excluded from playground games. Bullying can then be a problem.
It's always worth remembering that suitable help from a young age may prevent children from falling behind.
Other pointers are included in the checklists below.
Experts disagree about which are the most important. However, the following are generally accepted as causes of concern.
Does your child:
have a relatively short attention span?
find it hard to remember nursery rhymes and rhyming words, like 'cat' and 'hat'?
find it difficult to do 'odd one out' games with words?
show little interest in words and letters even if he or she enjoys stories?
mix up directional words like 'up' and 'down', 'in' and 'out'?
have difficulty putting objects into a sequence, such as coloured beads?
jumble up letters or whole words in speech, such as saying 'beddy tear' for 'teddy bear'?
have difficulties with physical skills like catching, throwing and kicking a ball, skipping, hopping, jumping and balancing?
At primary school.
Watch out for a child who:
is doing much less well than expected
has marked and persistent difficulties with reading and spelling
enjoys the content of stories and information read to him or her, but when attempting to read, over-uses the content to 'guess' at words
writes letters and/or numbers the wrong way round
takes a long time to complete any written work
leaves letters out of words or puts them in the wrong order
has difficulty remembering times tables or the alphabet, or putting things like the days of the week in order
needs to use fingers or written marks to do simple calculations when other children are easily able to do them in their heads
confuses left and right
appears careless and inattentive
has unusual difficulties in dressing or tying shoe-laces.
At secondary school.
Is he or she:
still reading unusually slowly or inaccurately?
still having marked difficulties with spelling and legible handwriting?
confusing places, times and dates?
needing to have instructions and telephone numbers, etc, repeated?
finding great difficulty in planning work and writing essays?
taking much longer than other pupils over written assignments?
having problems with note taking?
producing disappointing results in exams?
working inconsistently with marked 'on' and 'off' days?
Dyslexia (say: dis-lek-see-uh) is a learning problem some kids have with reading and writing. It can make words look jumbled. This makes it difficult for a kid to read and remember what was read.
So what's going on inside the person's brain? Well, it doesn't mean the person is dumb. In fact, some very smart people have had dyslexia. How smart? Well, some people say Albert Einstein was dyslexic.
The problem does occur in the brain, though. Sometimes the messages the brain is sending get jumbled up or confused. A kid who has dyslexia might get frustrated and find it hard to do schoolwork. But the good news is that dyslexia doesn't need to keep a kid down.
How to recognise dyslexia in children?

Reading and learning are the two things that determine the success of a child during his school career. First he learns to read. Then he reads to learn. Reading is therefore of paramount importance in the educational process.
Unfortunately poor reading skills, and therefore poor learning skills, have become a reality for an alarming number of children. The word "dyslexia" is often used to refer to reading problems, while the symptoms below indicate that a child has dyslexia and therefore needs help:
First of all, it is important to exclude a range of other reasons why a child is having great difficulty in learning to read and write. These include poor eyesight, hearing difficulties, absence from school through ill health, inadequate or very interrupted schooling or emotional stress at home.
Hearing problems are particularly important. Many young children suffer ear infections and for a minority this is followed by a condition called glue ear. This can significantly reduce a child's hearing ability for a time.
Researchers have found that if children suffer from this condition around the age of two (when they are acquiring spoken language very rapidly) or around five (when they are beginning to learn the skills needed for reading), they are more likely to experience difficulties in learning to read. If they are dyslexic, these difficulties will certainly compound the problem.
Once these reasons have been ruled out, most experts would agree that there are signs even before children start school which indicate that they might be dyslexic. However, young children develop at different rates and it is important to remember this and allow for normal variation.
It is useful to question whether there is a history of reading or spelling difficulties in the family, although a family history does not mean that every child in the family will have dyslexia.
Parents who are concerned should also be aware of other problems that may arise. Some dyslexic children have difficulties finding the appropriate words to express themselves and may be slow to process information. Many such children may become isolated socially and find friendships difficult.
Other children may have motor difficulties. If they are generally clumsy or bad at sport they are often teased and excluded from playground games. Bullying can then be a problem.
It's always worth remembering that suitable help from a young age may prevent children from falling behind.
Other pointers are included in the checklists below.
Experts disagree about which are the most important. However, the following are generally accepted as causes of concern.
Does your child:
have a relatively short attention span?
find it hard to remember nursery rhymes and rhyming words, like 'cat' and 'hat'?
find it difficult to do 'odd one out' games with words?
show little interest in words and letters even if he or she enjoys stories?
mix up directional words like 'up' and 'down', 'in' and 'out'?
have difficulty putting objects into a sequence, such as coloured beads?
jumble up letters or whole words in speech, such as saying 'beddy tear' for 'teddy bear'?
have difficulties with physical skills like catching, throwing and kicking a ball, skipping, hopping, jumping and balancing?
At primary school.
Watch out for a child who:
is doing much less well than expected
has marked and persistent difficulties with reading and spelling
enjoys the content of stories and information read to him or her, but when attempting to read, over-uses the content to 'guess' at words
writes letters and/or numbers the wrong way round
takes a long time to complete any written work
leaves letters out of words or puts them in the wrong order
has difficulty remembering times tables or the alphabet, or putting things like the days of the week in order
needs to use fingers or written marks to do simple calculations when other children are easily able to do them in their heads
confuses left and right
appears careless and inattentive
has unusual difficulties in dressing or tying shoe-laces.
At secondary school.
Is he or she:
still reading unusually slowly or inaccurately?
still having marked difficulties with spelling and legible handwriting?
confusing places, times and dates?
needing to have instructions and telephone numbers, etc, repeated?
finding great difficulty in planning work and writing essays?
taking much longer than other pupils over written assignments?
having problems with note taking?
producing disappointing results in exams?
working inconsistently with marked 'on' and 'off' days?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Eyesight Weakness
Eyesight Weakness
Eyesight Weakness is a common problem of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight. Longover and closely watching of TV., continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive worry and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes. For averting weakness of eyes caused due to suppressed Common Cold or surplus heat in brain practice of Jala Neti is highly beneficial. Many cases of weak eyesight especially in children and young persons have responded well to Magnetotherapy. Palming and Jala Neti etc. gives considerable benefit. Pure honey if available may be used as part of the diet and also as eye drop.
Prevention of Eyesight Weakness
It is important to avoid quickly oxidizing foods like starches and sugars and to treat for the predisposing factors as a strong preventive measure.
People suffering from this disorder should avoid the above factors that unnecessarily strain the eyes and should perform eye exercises to improve their eyesight.
Home Remedies for Eyesight Weakness
Mix equal quantities of fenugreek seeds (methi dana) powder along with Shikakai powder for washing hair. Wash frequently.
Mix seeds of cardamom along with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat every day.
Drink carrot juice twice daily.
Boil 2 tablespoons fenugreek leaves along with ½ cup moong dal and 10 small onions and eat regularly.
Using drops of eyebright herb are also beneficial for the eye conditions.
Eating spinach will help in preventing various eye problems as it contains carotenoid.
Washing the eyes with cold water will give relief from strain and will soothe the eyes.
Eyesight Weakness is a common problem of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight. Longover and closely watching of TV., continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive worry and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes. For averting weakness of eyes caused due to suppressed Common Cold or surplus heat in brain practice of Jala Neti is highly beneficial. Many cases of weak eyesight especially in children and young persons have responded well to Magnetotherapy. Palming and Jala Neti etc. gives considerable benefit. Pure honey if available may be used as part of the diet and also as eye drop.
Prevention of Eyesight Weakness
It is important to avoid quickly oxidizing foods like starches and sugars and to treat for the predisposing factors as a strong preventive measure.
People suffering from this disorder should avoid the above factors that unnecessarily strain the eyes and should perform eye exercises to improve their eyesight.
Home Remedies for Eyesight Weakness
Mix equal quantities of fenugreek seeds (methi dana) powder along with Shikakai powder for washing hair. Wash frequently.
Mix seeds of cardamom along with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat every day.
Drink carrot juice twice daily.
Boil 2 tablespoons fenugreek leaves along with ½ cup moong dal and 10 small onions and eat regularly.
Using drops of eyebright herb are also beneficial for the eye conditions.
Eating spinach will help in preventing various eye problems as it contains carotenoid.
Washing the eyes with cold water will give relief from strain and will soothe the eyes.
Milk Allergies in Babies
Causes and symptoms
Allergies are caused by the immune system's reaction to a particular food. Usually, a child will have had a prior exposure before IgE or specific histamines are produced.
Food intolerance is often put into the same category as food allergy, even though there may be an entirely different mechanism involved. In these cases, the digestive tract reacts to a specific part of the food; for example, the protein or the sugar in a specific food. The digestive system rebels, resulting in gas, bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Many times, these responses are due to eating food contaminated with bacteria, rather than a true food allergy. In other cases, the child's reaction is due to an underlying digestive disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, which is a chronic condition that is often triggered by specific types of food.
Gluten intolerance is not an allergy. It is a disease called celiac disease, or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. The body cannot process gluten found in wheat and other grains. Though the immune system is involved, celiac disease does not behave as a true allergy. Its treatment is like many food allergies, namely avoidance of the offending substance, which in this case is gluten.
Some children may lack a specific enzyme needed to metabolize certain foods. About 10 percent of all adults and older children have lactose intolerance. There are two forms of lactose intolerance: inherited and acquired. The inherited form (autosomal recessive) is extremely rare and severe. The acquired type is very common, and occurs in older children (not infants) and adults. It is distressing, but not life-threatening, and occurs with increased frequency in African Americans. Sometimes infants, as well as older children and adults, have a transient lactose deficiency after an episode of diarrhea.
Children with lactose intolerance have a lactase deficiency that keeps them from processing milk and milk products. These children can often drink milk that has had this enzyme introduced into the product. Some children can drink milk that has acidiphilus bacteria put into it. This bacteria breaks down the lactose, or milk sugar, in the milk so that the child can tolerate it. Some children with lactose intolerance cannot drink whole milk, but can eat cheese or drink low-fat buttermilk in small quantities. This is different from a true milk allergy where even a small amount of any dairy product will produce a reaction.
Some children may also be intolerant of food colorings, additives, and preservatives. Among these are yellow dye number 5, which can cause hives; and monosodium glutamate, which produces flushing, headaches, and chest pain. Sulfites, another additive, have been found to cause asthmatic reactions and even anaphylactoid reactions. Sulfites are preservatives used in wines, maraschino cherries, seafood, and soft drinks. They are sometimes put on fresh fruits and lettuce to maintain their fresh appearance, on red meats to prevent brown discoloration, and even in prepared deli foods like crab salad. Sulfites appear on food labels as sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sulfur dioxide, and potassium metabisulfite. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of sulfites as a preservative for fruits and vegetables, but they are still in use in some foods.
Food allergies and sensitivities can produce a wide range of symptoms involving the skin, respiratory system, and nervous system. Children may have watery eyes, runny noses, and sneezing.
Skin rashes or hives can range from measles-like rashes to itchy welts. The rashes or welts can appear on a specific part of the body or can be widespread. Some children have swelling of the eyes, lips, and/or tongue.
Symptoms vary among children, even those who are sensitive to the same food. One child's specific reaction to an offending food does not mean that all children react the same. Nut allergies and shellfish, however, seem to be the most documented triggers for anaphylaxis. Nevertheless, anaphylaxis is not limited to those foods. IgE-mediated allergic reactions can progress to other allergic symptoms. For example, a child who has had hives is at risk for angioedema (swelling of the blood vessels) and anaphylaxis.
Symptoms also vary in intensity and by the amount eaten. One child may have a mild rash on the forearms when eating half a dozen strawberries. Another may be covered with a rash after eating only one. This variation is individualized and is a factor in the body's sensitivity to the target food.
Although the time between ingestion and symptoms is somewhat variable for allergic reactions (IgE-mediated), the vast majority occur within minutes. Nearly all occur within two hours. Reactions due to intolerances, like lactose, may occur somewhat later. Symptoms occurring days after a food is ingested are not likely related to the food.
The only treatment for IgE-mediated reactions to foods is avoidance. These reactions, as well as intolerances, are not responsive to desensitization. An epi-pen should be kept in the home for all IgE mediated food allergies and all inadvertent reactions should be treated.
It is not unusual for children to crave the very foods to which they are allergic. When the child is placed on an elimination diet, often the body will rebel at not being given the foods that cause it to react and will produce cravings for those foods.
Children are known to outgrow milk allergies in most cases, but—for safety purposes—reintroduction in a medical setting is advised. Egg allergy disappearance is not as high as it is for milk allergy. Sensitivities to wheat and soy are also outgrown. Allergies to peanuts, shellfish, and other foods that can produce anaphylaxis usually remain with the child throughout life.
If both parents have food allergies, precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of the child having a food allergy, too. Before birth and while breastfeeding, the mother can limit the baby's exposure to allergens by not bingeing on foods known to cause allergies. Breast-feeding delays the onset of allergies, but does not avoid them. The secretory IgA in breast milk fights infection but is not shown to avoid absorption of allergies.
Solid foods are slowly introduced at four to six months of age. The first solid foods should be those that have shown the potential for not producing an allergic reaction, such as fruits (except citrus fruits and berries), vegetables, and rice. Early introduction of highly allergenic foods may predispose a child to reactions, but this is controversial. It is recommended that parents avoid feeding the child highly allergenic foods until three years of age, if possible. The list of highly allergenic foods includes nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, and eggs. Whole cow's milk—not cow's milk formula—should be avoided during the first year. Having the child eat a variety of foods will also keep the child from too much exposure to any one particular food family.
Allergies are caused by the immune system's reaction to a particular food. Usually, a child will have had a prior exposure before IgE or specific histamines are produced.
Food intolerance is often put into the same category as food allergy, even though there may be an entirely different mechanism involved. In these cases, the digestive tract reacts to a specific part of the food; for example, the protein or the sugar in a specific food. The digestive system rebels, resulting in gas, bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Many times, these responses are due to eating food contaminated with bacteria, rather than a true food allergy. In other cases, the child's reaction is due to an underlying digestive disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, which is a chronic condition that is often triggered by specific types of food.
Gluten intolerance is not an allergy. It is a disease called celiac disease, or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. The body cannot process gluten found in wheat and other grains. Though the immune system is involved, celiac disease does not behave as a true allergy. Its treatment is like many food allergies, namely avoidance of the offending substance, which in this case is gluten.
Some children may lack a specific enzyme needed to metabolize certain foods. About 10 percent of all adults and older children have lactose intolerance. There are two forms of lactose intolerance: inherited and acquired. The inherited form (autosomal recessive) is extremely rare and severe. The acquired type is very common, and occurs in older children (not infants) and adults. It is distressing, but not life-threatening, and occurs with increased frequency in African Americans. Sometimes infants, as well as older children and adults, have a transient lactose deficiency after an episode of diarrhea.
Children with lactose intolerance have a lactase deficiency that keeps them from processing milk and milk products. These children can often drink milk that has had this enzyme introduced into the product. Some children can drink milk that has acidiphilus bacteria put into it. This bacteria breaks down the lactose, or milk sugar, in the milk so that the child can tolerate it. Some children with lactose intolerance cannot drink whole milk, but can eat cheese or drink low-fat buttermilk in small quantities. This is different from a true milk allergy where even a small amount of any dairy product will produce a reaction.
Some children may also be intolerant of food colorings, additives, and preservatives. Among these are yellow dye number 5, which can cause hives; and monosodium glutamate, which produces flushing, headaches, and chest pain. Sulfites, another additive, have been found to cause asthmatic reactions and even anaphylactoid reactions. Sulfites are preservatives used in wines, maraschino cherries, seafood, and soft drinks. They are sometimes put on fresh fruits and lettuce to maintain their fresh appearance, on red meats to prevent brown discoloration, and even in prepared deli foods like crab salad. Sulfites appear on food labels as sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sulfur dioxide, and potassium metabisulfite. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of sulfites as a preservative for fruits and vegetables, but they are still in use in some foods.
Food allergies and sensitivities can produce a wide range of symptoms involving the skin, respiratory system, and nervous system. Children may have watery eyes, runny noses, and sneezing.
Skin rashes or hives can range from measles-like rashes to itchy welts. The rashes or welts can appear on a specific part of the body or can be widespread. Some children have swelling of the eyes, lips, and/or tongue.
Symptoms vary among children, even those who are sensitive to the same food. One child's specific reaction to an offending food does not mean that all children react the same. Nut allergies and shellfish, however, seem to be the most documented triggers for anaphylaxis. Nevertheless, anaphylaxis is not limited to those foods. IgE-mediated allergic reactions can progress to other allergic symptoms. For example, a child who has had hives is at risk for angioedema (swelling of the blood vessels) and anaphylaxis.
Symptoms also vary in intensity and by the amount eaten. One child may have a mild rash on the forearms when eating half a dozen strawberries. Another may be covered with a rash after eating only one. This variation is individualized and is a factor in the body's sensitivity to the target food.
Although the time between ingestion and symptoms is somewhat variable for allergic reactions (IgE-mediated), the vast majority occur within minutes. Nearly all occur within two hours. Reactions due to intolerances, like lactose, may occur somewhat later. Symptoms occurring days after a food is ingested are not likely related to the food.
The only treatment for IgE-mediated reactions to foods is avoidance. These reactions, as well as intolerances, are not responsive to desensitization. An epi-pen should be kept in the home for all IgE mediated food allergies and all inadvertent reactions should be treated.
It is not unusual for children to crave the very foods to which they are allergic. When the child is placed on an elimination diet, often the body will rebel at not being given the foods that cause it to react and will produce cravings for those foods.
Children are known to outgrow milk allergies in most cases, but—for safety purposes—reintroduction in a medical setting is advised. Egg allergy disappearance is not as high as it is for milk allergy. Sensitivities to wheat and soy are also outgrown. Allergies to peanuts, shellfish, and other foods that can produce anaphylaxis usually remain with the child throughout life.
If both parents have food allergies, precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of the child having a food allergy, too. Before birth and while breastfeeding, the mother can limit the baby's exposure to allergens by not bingeing on foods known to cause allergies. Breast-feeding delays the onset of allergies, but does not avoid them. The secretory IgA in breast milk fights infection but is not shown to avoid absorption of allergies.
Solid foods are slowly introduced at four to six months of age. The first solid foods should be those that have shown the potential for not producing an allergic reaction, such as fruits (except citrus fruits and berries), vegetables, and rice. Early introduction of highly allergenic foods may predispose a child to reactions, but this is controversial. It is recommended that parents avoid feeding the child highly allergenic foods until three years of age, if possible. The list of highly allergenic foods includes nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, and eggs. Whole cow's milk—not cow's milk formula—should be avoided during the first year. Having the child eat a variety of foods will also keep the child from too much exposure to any one particular food family.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What is a vaccine?
A vaccine is a medicine that's given to help prevent a disease. Vaccines help the body produce antibodies. These antibodies protect against the disease.
Vaccines not only help keep your child healthy, they help all children by stamping out serious childhood diseases.
Are vaccines safe?
Vaccines are generally quite safe. The protection provided by vaccines far outweighs the very small risk of serious problems. Vaccines have made many serious childhood diseases rare today. Talk to your family doctor if you have any questions.
Do vaccines have side effects?
Some vaccines may cause mild temporary side effects such as fever, or soreness or a lump under the skin where the shot was given. Your family doctor will talk to you about possible side effects with certain vaccines.
Vaccinations usually start when your child is 2 months old and most are finished by the time he or she is 6 years old.
Are there any reasons child should not be vaccinated?
In some special situations, children shouldn't be vaccinated. For example, some vaccines shouldn't be given to children who have certain types of cancer or certain diseases, or who are taking drugs that lower the body's ability to resist infection. The MMR vaccine shouldn't be given to children who have a serious allergy to eggs.
If your child has had a serious reaction to the first shot in a series of shots, your family doctor will probably talk with you about the pros and cons of giving him or her the rest of the shots in the series.
What is the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine is a shot. Your child can't get the flu from the vaccine because it contains viruses that are dead. This vaccine is given at the beginning of the flu season, usually in October or November. Because flu viruses change from year to year, it is very important for your child to get the shot each year so that he or she will be protected.
The flu vaccine is safe for children 6 months of age and older. If your child is between 6 and 23 months of age, it's especially important for him or her to get the flu vaccine each year. Children in this age group are more likely to have complications from the flu.
What is the DTaP vaccine?
The DTaP vaccine is 3 vaccines in 1 shot. It protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. It's given as a series of 5 shots.
Diphtheria is a disease that attacks the throat and heart. It can lead to heart failure and death. Tetanus is also called "lockjaw." It can lead to severe muscle spasms and death.
Pertussis (also called "whooping cough") causes severe coughing that makes it hard to breathe, eat and drink. It can lead to pneumonia, convulsions, brain damage and death.
Having your child immunized when he or she is young (which means making sure he or she gets all of the DTaP shots) protects your child against these diseases for about 10 years. After this time, your child will need booster shots.
What is the Td vaccine?
The Td vaccine is used as a booster to the DTaP vaccine. It helps prevent tetanus and diphtheria. It's given when your child is 11 years old or older and every 10 years throughout life.
What is the IPV vaccine?
The IPV (inactivated poliovirus) vaccine helps prevent polio. It's given 4 times as a shot. It has replaced the older oral polio vaccine.
Polio can cause muscle pain and paralysis of one or both legs or arms. It may also paralyze the muscles used to breathe and swallow. It can lead to death.
What is the MMR vaccine?
The MMR vaccine protects against the measles, mumps and rubella. It's given as 2 shots.
Measles causes fever, rash, cough, runny nose and watery eyes. It can also cause ear infections and pneumonia. Measles can also lead to more serious problems, such as brain swelling and even death.
Mumps causes fever, headache and painful swelling of one or both of the major saliva glands. Mumps can lead to meningitis (infection of the coverings of the brain and spinal cord) and, very rarely, to brain swelling. Rarely, it can cause the testicles of boys or men to swell, which can make them unable to have children.
Rubella is also called the German measles. It causes slight fever, a rash and swelling of the glands in the neck. Rubella can also cause brain swelling or a problem with bleeding.
If a pregnant woman catches rubella, it can cause her to lose her baby or have a baby who is blind or deaf, or has trouble learning.
Some people have suggested that the MMR vaccine causes autism. However, good research has shown that there is no link between autism and childhood vaccinations.
What is the Hib vaccine?
The Hib vaccine helps prevent Haemophilus influenza type b, a leading cause of serious illness in children. It can lead to meningitis, pneumonia and a severe throat infection that can cause choking. The Hib vaccine is given as a series of 3 or 4 shots.
What is the varicella vaccine?
The varicella vaccine helps prevent chickenpox. It is given to children once after they are 12 months old or to older children if they have never had chickenpox or been vaccinated. Booster shots may be given if found necessary by further research.
What is the HBV vaccine?
The HBV vaccine helps prevent hepatitis B virus (HBV), an infection of the liver that can lead to liver cancer and death. The vaccine is given as a series of 3 shots. The HBV vaccine and Hib vaccine can also be given together in the same shot.
What is the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine?
The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) protects against a type of bacteria that is a common cause of ear infections. This bacteria can also cause more serious illnesses, such as meningitis and bacteremia (infection in the blood stream). Infants and toddlers are given 4 doses of the vaccine. The vaccine may also be used in older children who are at risk for pneumococcal infection.
What is the meningococcal conjugate vaccine?
The meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) protects against 4 strains ("types") of bacterial meningitis caused by the bacteria N. meningitidis. Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the fluid around the brain and spinal cord. It is a serious illness that can cause high fever, headache, stiff neck and confusion. It can also cause more serious complications, such as brain damage, hearing loss or blindness.
Children should get the MCV4 vaccine at 11 to 12 years of age. Children older than 12 who have not received the vaccine should receive it before starting high school.
Source: Health magzine:Child Vaccine-2007
What is a vaccine?
A vaccine is a medicine that's given to help prevent a disease. Vaccines help the body produce antibodies. These antibodies protect against the disease.
Vaccines not only help keep your child healthy, they help all children by stamping out serious childhood diseases.
Are vaccines safe?
Vaccines are generally quite safe. The protection provided by vaccines far outweighs the very small risk of serious problems. Vaccines have made many serious childhood diseases rare today. Talk to your family doctor if you have any questions.
Do vaccines have side effects?
Some vaccines may cause mild temporary side effects such as fever, or soreness or a lump under the skin where the shot was given. Your family doctor will talk to you about possible side effects with certain vaccines.
Vaccinations usually start when your child is 2 months old and most are finished by the time he or she is 6 years old.
Are there any reasons child should not be vaccinated?
In some special situations, children shouldn't be vaccinated. For example, some vaccines shouldn't be given to children who have certain types of cancer or certain diseases, or who are taking drugs that lower the body's ability to resist infection. The MMR vaccine shouldn't be given to children who have a serious allergy to eggs.
If your child has had a serious reaction to the first shot in a series of shots, your family doctor will probably talk with you about the pros and cons of giving him or her the rest of the shots in the series.
What is the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine is a shot. Your child can't get the flu from the vaccine because it contains viruses that are dead. This vaccine is given at the beginning of the flu season, usually in October or November. Because flu viruses change from year to year, it is very important for your child to get the shot each year so that he or she will be protected.
The flu vaccine is safe for children 6 months of age and older. If your child is between 6 and 23 months of age, it's especially important for him or her to get the flu vaccine each year. Children in this age group are more likely to have complications from the flu.
What is the DTaP vaccine?
The DTaP vaccine is 3 vaccines in 1 shot. It protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. It's given as a series of 5 shots.
Diphtheria is a disease that attacks the throat and heart. It can lead to heart failure and death. Tetanus is also called "lockjaw." It can lead to severe muscle spasms and death.
Pertussis (also called "whooping cough") causes severe coughing that makes it hard to breathe, eat and drink. It can lead to pneumonia, convulsions, brain damage and death.
Having your child immunized when he or she is young (which means making sure he or she gets all of the DTaP shots) protects your child against these diseases for about 10 years. After this time, your child will need booster shots.
What is the Td vaccine?
The Td vaccine is used as a booster to the DTaP vaccine. It helps prevent tetanus and diphtheria. It's given when your child is 11 years old or older and every 10 years throughout life.
What is the IPV vaccine?
The IPV (inactivated poliovirus) vaccine helps prevent polio. It's given 4 times as a shot. It has replaced the older oral polio vaccine.
Polio can cause muscle pain and paralysis of one or both legs or arms. It may also paralyze the muscles used to breathe and swallow. It can lead to death.
What is the MMR vaccine?
The MMR vaccine protects against the measles, mumps and rubella. It's given as 2 shots.
Measles causes fever, rash, cough, runny nose and watery eyes. It can also cause ear infections and pneumonia. Measles can also lead to more serious problems, such as brain swelling and even death.
Mumps causes fever, headache and painful swelling of one or both of the major saliva glands. Mumps can lead to meningitis (infection of the coverings of the brain and spinal cord) and, very rarely, to brain swelling. Rarely, it can cause the testicles of boys or men to swell, which can make them unable to have children.
Rubella is also called the German measles. It causes slight fever, a rash and swelling of the glands in the neck. Rubella can also cause brain swelling or a problem with bleeding.
If a pregnant woman catches rubella, it can cause her to lose her baby or have a baby who is blind or deaf, or has trouble learning.
Some people have suggested that the MMR vaccine causes autism. However, good research has shown that there is no link between autism and childhood vaccinations.
What is the Hib vaccine?
The Hib vaccine helps prevent Haemophilus influenza type b, a leading cause of serious illness in children. It can lead to meningitis, pneumonia and a severe throat infection that can cause choking. The Hib vaccine is given as a series of 3 or 4 shots.
What is the varicella vaccine?
The varicella vaccine helps prevent chickenpox. It is given to children once after they are 12 months old or to older children if they have never had chickenpox or been vaccinated. Booster shots may be given if found necessary by further research.
What is the HBV vaccine?
The HBV vaccine helps prevent hepatitis B virus (HBV), an infection of the liver that can lead to liver cancer and death. The vaccine is given as a series of 3 shots. The HBV vaccine and Hib vaccine can also be given together in the same shot.
What is the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine?
The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) protects against a type of bacteria that is a common cause of ear infections. This bacteria can also cause more serious illnesses, such as meningitis and bacteremia (infection in the blood stream). Infants and toddlers are given 4 doses of the vaccine. The vaccine may also be used in older children who are at risk for pneumococcal infection.
What is the meningococcal conjugate vaccine?
The meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) protects against 4 strains ("types") of bacterial meningitis caused by the bacteria N. meningitidis. Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the fluid around the brain and spinal cord. It is a serious illness that can cause high fever, headache, stiff neck and confusion. It can also cause more serious complications, such as brain damage, hearing loss or blindness.
Children should get the MCV4 vaccine at 11 to 12 years of age. Children older than 12 who have not received the vaccine should receive it before starting high school.
Source: Health magzine:Child Vaccine-2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
1. Rise and dine. men who ate breakfast every day were 44 percent less likely to be overweight and 41 percent less likely to develop insulin resistance, both risk factors for heart disease.
2. Refill the bowl. two servings of whole-grain cereal (Cheerios count) a day can reduce a man's risk of dying of heart disease by nearly 20 percent.
3. Choose dark chocolate. Cocoa contains flavonoids that thin the blood and keep it from clotting (like it does just before you clutch your chest and expire). And at least a third of the fat in chocolate is oleic acid, which is the same healthy, monounsaturated fat found in olive oil. Dove dark chocolate bars retain as many flavonoids as possible.
4. Go fishing for tuna. Omega-3 fats in tuna help strengthen heart muscle, lower blood pressure, and prevent clotting - as well as reduce levels of potentially deadly inflammation in the body. Plus, tuna's high in protein. Research shows that consuming more protein may lower a man's risk of heart disease by nearly 26 percent.
5. Add ground flaxseed to your food. It's a natural source of omega-3s, for those who don't like fish.
6. Grill a steak. You may think it's bad for your heart, but you'd be wrong. Beef contains immunity-boosting selenium as well as homocysteine- lowering B vitamins. And up to 50 percent of the fat is the heart-healthy monounsaturated variety.
7. Eat grapefruit. One a day can reduce arterial narrowing by 46 percent, lower your bad-cholesterol level by more than 10 percent, and help drop your blood pressure by more than 5 points.
8. They really are good for your heart. Beans are a great source of homocysteine- lowering folate and cholesterol- lowering soluble fiber. Tulane University researchers found that people who ate four or more servings a week had a 22 percent lower risk of developing heart disease (and 75 percent fewer camping companions) than less-than-once- a-week bean eaters.
10. Order garlic bread. In addition to lowering cholesterol and helping to fight off infection, eating garlic may help limit damage to your heart after a heart attack or heart surgery. Researchers in India found that animals who were fed garlic regularly had more heart-protecting antioxidants in their blood than animals who weren't.
11. Order take-out. Lots of Chinese and Indian foods contain ginger or turmeric - spices packed with natural anti-inflammatories . "Anything that helps keep levels of inflammation low is good for your heart,".
12. Swap sugar for honey. honey has powerful antioxidant qualities that help combat cardiovascular disease, while sugar consumption can lower your levels of HDL cholesterol, potentially increasing your risk of heart-related disorders.
13. Don't let your tank hit empty. people who eat six or more small meals a day have 5 percent lower cholesterol levels than those who eat one or two large meals. That's enough to shrink your risk of heart disease by 10 to 20 percent.
of folic acid: asparagus, broccoli, and fortified cereal.
14. Decaffeinate. Drinks that contain caffeine increase blood pressure by nearly 4 points, on top of speeding up your heart rate by an average of 2 beats per minute. It's enoug h to push a borderline heart problem into the danger zone.
15. Scramble an egg. They're relatively low in saturated fat, and they're packed with betaine, a compound that helps lower homocysteine levels in the blood by as much as 75 percent. Eggs are one of the few good food sources of betaine.
16. Order a chef's salad. Leafy greens and egg yolks are both good sources of lutein, a phytochemical that carries heart-disease- fighting antioxidants to your cells and tissues.
17. Have the red licorice. A compound in licorice root has been shown to spike blood pressure - especially in men who eat a lot of black licorice. Fruit-flavored licorice, however, doesn't contain the compound.
18. Take the Concord . compounds in Concord grapes help slow the formation of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. The grapes also lower blood pressure by an average of 6 points if you drink just 12 ounces of their juice a day.
19. Snack on pumpkin seeds. One ounce of seeds contains more than a third of your recommended intake of magnesium. According to Mildred Seeling, M.D., author of The Magnesium Factor, magnesium deficiencies have been linked to most risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and the increased buildup of plaque in the arteries.
20. Feast on potassium. Slice a banana on your cereal, then bake a sweet potato or cook up some spinach for dinner. All are loaded with potassium. Studies show that not getting your daily 3,500 milligrams of potassium can set you up for high blood pressure. Other good sources of potassium include raisins, tomatoes, and papayas.
21. Beat the heat with a handful of cold grapes. University of Connecticut researchers recently discovered that fresh grapes provide cholesterol- lowering, artery-clearing protection similar to that you get from drinking concentrated grape juice or wine.
22. Toss your salad with olive oil. Men whose diets include as much as 2 ounces of olive oil a day have an 82 percent lower risk of having a fatal first heart attack than men who consume little or none. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats - known to hinder the oxidation of LDL cholesterol into its artery-clogging form.
23. Change your oil. Researchers in India found that men who replaced the corn and vegetable oils in their kitchens with sesame-seed oil lowered their blood pressure by more than 30 points in just 60 days, without making any other changes in their diets.
24. Double the tomato sauce. The lycopene in tomatoes prevents the harmful buildup of cholesterol on artery walls. So double up the sauce on your pizza and pasta.
25. Use the rotisserie. Foods cooked at high temperatures produce blood compounds called advanced glycation end products, which researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital say reduce cell elasticity and increase heartdisease risk. Three fixes: Steam your vegetables, add marinade to your meat before grilling to keep it moist, and cook foods longer at lower temperatures.
26. Snack on nuts. Harvard researchers found that men who replaced 127 calories of carbohydrates - that's about 14 Baked Lays potato chips - with 1 ounce of nuts decreased their risk of heart disease by 30 percent.
27. Have a fiber appetizer. Take a fiber supplement - Metamucil, for instance - 15 minutes before each meal. It'll help slow the digestion of highly processed starches and sweets. Diets high in foods that quickly raise your blood sugar may increase heart-disease risk.
1. Run indoors on hazy days. Researchers in Finland found that exercising outside on hot, hazy days when air pollution is at its worst can cut the supply of oxygen in the blood, making it more likely to clot.
2. Take up rowing. A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that, compared with running, rowing uses more muscle and causes your heart to pump more blood through the body, resulting in greater overall gains in cardiovascular fitness.
3. Climb. Yale researchers found that men with insulin resistance - a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease - who exercised on a stairclimber for 45 minutes 4 days a week improved their sensitivity to insulin by 43 percent in 6 weeks.
4. Play hard. Any regular vigorous physical activity reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, even if performed for only 5 to 10 minutes at a time, says John Yarnell, Ph.D., of Queen's University of Belfast , who authored a study on the subject.
45. Push yourself. Harvard researchers found that men who perceived themselves to be working out vigorously were 28 percent less likely to develop heart disease than guys who felt they were slacking. An intense run should be at 75 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. (Calculate your MHR by subtracting your age from 220.)
6. Dive in the pool. U.K. researchers found that men who burn just 50 calories a day in strenuous activities like swimming and hiking are 62 percent less likely to die of heart disease than men who burn nearly seven times as many calories - 340 per day - during less active pursuits like walking and golfing.
7. Bike away the blues. Men who are suffering from depression are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease as guys who aren't depressed. So c'mon, get happy. In a trial of 150 men and women, Duke researchers found that after just 3 months of treatment, antidepressants and exercise were equally effective at relieving almost all symptoms of depression.
8. Take the stairs. People who walked an extra 4,000 to 5,000 steps each day lowered their blood pressure by an average of 11 points, according to a small study at the University of Tennessee .
1. Watch a scary movie. Anything that causes your heart to race - slasher flicks, a good book, even being in love - also makes your heart stronger, according to researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center . Upsetting the rhythm once in a while is like hitting your heart's reset button, which helps it keep on ticking.
2. Join a group. Any group. According to research from the University of Chicago , lonely people have a harder time dealing with stress and are at greater risk of heart disease than people with a wide circle of friends.
3. Tell your wife to butt out. Or you may leave her - in a hearse. Researchers in Greece found that individuals who were exposed to cigarette smoke for just 30 minutes three times a week had a 26 percent greater risk of developing heart disease than people who rarely encountered secondhand smoke.
4. Check for carbon monoxide. Almost all large household appliances, including furnaces, water heaters, washers, dryers, and fireplaces, can leak carbon monoxide into your home. Large levels of the gas can kill you in hours, but long-term exposure to tiny amounts can be just as lethal, promoting the formation of blood clots and increasing the risk of heart disease. So make sure vents are clear and appliances are properly ventilated, and install a carbon monoxide detector near your bedroom.
5. Wash your hands. German researchers followed 570 people for an average of 3 years and found that those with the most antibodies (from fighting off infections) in their systems also had the most significant clogging in the arteries of their hearts, necks, and legs. Use liquid soap. Germs can live on bars.
6. Ditch the fad diet. University of Michigan researchers found that people whose weight fluctuated wildly - as it tends to do when you adopt the whack-job-diet- of-the-month - had weaker hearts and worse bloodflow than people who lost weight more slowly but kept it off for good.
7. Pee in the bushes. After studying 40 people with heart disease, researchers at Taiwan University in China found that the stress of having a full bladder increases heart rate by an average of 9 beats per minute and constricts the flow of blood by 19 percent. Either could be eno ugh to trigger a heart attack, says study author Tsai Chang-Her, M.D.
8. Meditate 20 minutes a day. According to Thomas Jefferson University researchers, this daily downtime may reduce your anxiety and depression by more than 25 percent. And that's important, since a University of Florida study found that patients with coronary artery disease who had the most mental stress were three times more likely to die during the period of the study than those with the least stress.
9. Touch her. Ten minutes of skin-to-skin contact (hand-holding, hugs) with your mate can help keep your blood pressure and pulse from spiking during stressful times, according to University of North Carolina researchers.
10. Stop at 2 cups. people who drank roughly 4 cups of coffee a day had 11 percent higher levels of heart-damaging homocysteine in their blood than non-coffee drinkers.
11. Stop snoring. Half of all people with sleep apnea - a condition that occurs when people quit breathing for up to a minute at a time while sleeping - also have high blood pressure, caused by unusually high levels of the hormone aldosterone. Beat the apnea and the BP drops, too. Your doctor can prescribe a SleepStrip, an at-home sleep-apnea test.
12. Pair up. Married men are less likely to die of heart disease than bachelors. Toronto-based researchers studied 100 men and women with mild high blood pressure and found that after 3 years of marriage, the happily married men had healthier hearts than their unmarried brothers. Just choose your bride wisely, or your heart will be broken and sick.
13. Have more sex. You might think all that grunting and sweating would increase your risk of a stroke, but University of Bristol researchers say the opposite is actually true. Not only are men who have sex at least twice a week less likely to have a stroke than men who have sex less often, but all that steamy exercise may also help reduce their heart-disease risk by up to a third, compared with guys who aren't getting any.
14. Make friends at work. Researchers at St. Johns University studied 70 New York City traffic cops and found that men with the most work friends also had the lowest heart rates and healthiest blood-pressure levels, even during times of stress.
15. Read a good book. Swiss researchers found that men who recited poetry for half an hour a day lowered their heart rates significantly, reducing their stress levels and possibly their heart-disease risk. You don't need to go all Emily Dickinson; just try reading aloud to your wife or kids instead. Or to yourself. (But not on the subway.)
16. Rub. Massage helps relieve stress and reduce levels of inflammation- triggering chemicals in the skin, says Maria Hernandez-Reif, Ph.D., of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami .
1. Measure BP after exercise. Ask your doctor to measure your blood pressure after a cardiac stress test. "The numbers will be higher, but studies show they'll also be a better indicator of your overall health," says Kerry Stewart, M.D., of Johns Hopkins University .
2. Know what's in your arteries. Results of a highly sensitive C-reactive protein blood test, together with your cholesterol numbers, can help give doctors a more accurate picture of your heart-disease risk. And an apo B measurement may be a more reliable indicator of heart disease than LDL cholesterol, according to a recent review of studies comparing the two.
3. Use the free blood-pressure test (wisely). Most of the free blood-pressure- monitoring machines found in pharmacies aren't 100 percent accurate. According to a Canadian study, the machines can be off by an average of 8 points systolic and 4 points diastolic per reading. Check your BP three times, then average the readings.
4. Get your BP under 120/80. If your blood pressure is high (more than 140/90), knocking 20 points off the top number (systolic BP, the pressure when your heart is contracting) and 10 points off the bottom number (diastolic BP, the pressure when your heart is between beats) can cut your risk of dying of heart disease in half.
Remember: Your heart will benefit more from a few long-term health improvements than from a flurry of activity followed by a return to the dangerous norm.
1. Rise and dine. men who ate breakfast every day were 44 percent less likely to be overweight and 41 percent less likely to develop insulin resistance, both risk factors for heart disease.
2. Refill the bowl. two servings of whole-grain cereal (Cheerios count) a day can reduce a man's risk of dying of heart disease by nearly 20 percent.
3. Choose dark chocolate. Cocoa contains flavonoids that thin the blood and keep it from clotting (like it does just before you clutch your chest and expire). And at least a third of the fat in chocolate is oleic acid, which is the same healthy, monounsaturated fat found in olive oil. Dove dark chocolate bars retain as many flavonoids as possible.
4. Go fishing for tuna. Omega-3 fats in tuna help strengthen heart muscle, lower blood pressure, and prevent clotting - as well as reduce levels of potentially deadly inflammation in the body. Plus, tuna's high in protein. Research shows that consuming more protein may lower a man's risk of heart disease by nearly 26 percent.
5. Add ground flaxseed to your food. It's a natural source of omega-3s, for those who don't like fish.
6. Grill a steak. You may think it's bad for your heart, but you'd be wrong. Beef contains immunity-boosting selenium as well as homocysteine- lowering B vitamins. And up to 50 percent of the fat is the heart-healthy monounsaturated variety.
7. Eat grapefruit. One a day can reduce arterial narrowing by 46 percent, lower your bad-cholesterol level by more than 10 percent, and help drop your blood pressure by more than 5 points.
8. They really are good for your heart. Beans are a great source of homocysteine- lowering folate and cholesterol- lowering soluble fiber. Tulane University researchers found that people who ate four or more servings a week had a 22 percent lower risk of developing heart disease (and 75 percent fewer camping companions) than less-than-once- a-week bean eaters.
10. Order garlic bread. In addition to lowering cholesterol and helping to fight off infection, eating garlic may help limit damage to your heart after a heart attack or heart surgery. Researchers in India found that animals who were fed garlic regularly had more heart-protecting antioxidants in their blood than animals who weren't.
11. Order take-out. Lots of Chinese and Indian foods contain ginger or turmeric - spices packed with natural anti-inflammatories . "Anything that helps keep levels of inflammation low is good for your heart,".
12. Swap sugar for honey. honey has powerful antioxidant qualities that help combat cardiovascular disease, while sugar consumption can lower your levels of HDL cholesterol, potentially increasing your risk of heart-related disorders.
13. Don't let your tank hit empty. people who eat six or more small meals a day have 5 percent lower cholesterol levels than those who eat one or two large meals. That's enough to shrink your risk of heart disease by 10 to 20 percent.
of folic acid: asparagus, broccoli, and fortified cereal.
14. Decaffeinate. Drinks that contain caffeine increase blood pressure by nearly 4 points, on top of speeding up your heart rate by an average of 2 beats per minute. It's enoug h to push a borderline heart problem into the danger zone.
15. Scramble an egg. They're relatively low in saturated fat, and they're packed with betaine, a compound that helps lower homocysteine levels in the blood by as much as 75 percent. Eggs are one of the few good food sources of betaine.
16. Order a chef's salad. Leafy greens and egg yolks are both good sources of lutein, a phytochemical that carries heart-disease- fighting antioxidants to your cells and tissues.
17. Have the red licorice. A compound in licorice root has been shown to spike blood pressure - especially in men who eat a lot of black licorice. Fruit-flavored licorice, however, doesn't contain the compound.
18. Take the Concord . compounds in Concord grapes help slow the formation of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. The grapes also lower blood pressure by an average of 6 points if you drink just 12 ounces of their juice a day.
19. Snack on pumpkin seeds. One ounce of seeds contains more than a third of your recommended intake of magnesium. According to Mildred Seeling, M.D., author of The Magnesium Factor, magnesium deficiencies have been linked to most risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and the increased buildup of plaque in the arteries.
20. Feast on potassium. Slice a banana on your cereal, then bake a sweet potato or cook up some spinach for dinner. All are loaded with potassium. Studies show that not getting your daily 3,500 milligrams of potassium can set you up for high blood pressure. Other good sources of potassium include raisins, tomatoes, and papayas.
21. Beat the heat with a handful of cold grapes. University of Connecticut researchers recently discovered that fresh grapes provide cholesterol- lowering, artery-clearing protection similar to that you get from drinking concentrated grape juice or wine.
22. Toss your salad with olive oil. Men whose diets include as much as 2 ounces of olive oil a day have an 82 percent lower risk of having a fatal first heart attack than men who consume little or none. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats - known to hinder the oxidation of LDL cholesterol into its artery-clogging form.
23. Change your oil. Researchers in India found that men who replaced the corn and vegetable oils in their kitchens with sesame-seed oil lowered their blood pressure by more than 30 points in just 60 days, without making any other changes in their diets.
24. Double the tomato sauce. The lycopene in tomatoes prevents the harmful buildup of cholesterol on artery walls. So double up the sauce on your pizza and pasta.
25. Use the rotisserie. Foods cooked at high temperatures produce blood compounds called advanced glycation end products, which researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital say reduce cell elasticity and increase heartdisease risk. Three fixes: Steam your vegetables, add marinade to your meat before grilling to keep it moist, and cook foods longer at lower temperatures.
26. Snack on nuts. Harvard researchers found that men who replaced 127 calories of carbohydrates - that's about 14 Baked Lays potato chips - with 1 ounce of nuts decreased their risk of heart disease by 30 percent.
27. Have a fiber appetizer. Take a fiber supplement - Metamucil, for instance - 15 minutes before each meal. It'll help slow the digestion of highly processed starches and sweets. Diets high in foods that quickly raise your blood sugar may increase heart-disease risk.
1. Run indoors on hazy days. Researchers in Finland found that exercising outside on hot, hazy days when air pollution is at its worst can cut the supply of oxygen in the blood, making it more likely to clot.
2. Take up rowing. A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that, compared with running, rowing uses more muscle and causes your heart to pump more blood through the body, resulting in greater overall gains in cardiovascular fitness.
3. Climb. Yale researchers found that men with insulin resistance - a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease - who exercised on a stairclimber for 45 minutes 4 days a week improved their sensitivity to insulin by 43 percent in 6 weeks.
4. Play hard. Any regular vigorous physical activity reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, even if performed for only 5 to 10 minutes at a time, says John Yarnell, Ph.D., of Queen's University of Belfast , who authored a study on the subject.
45. Push yourself. Harvard researchers found that men who perceived themselves to be working out vigorously were 28 percent less likely to develop heart disease than guys who felt they were slacking. An intense run should be at 75 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. (Calculate your MHR by subtracting your age from 220.)
6. Dive in the pool. U.K. researchers found that men who burn just 50 calories a day in strenuous activities like swimming and hiking are 62 percent less likely to die of heart disease than men who burn nearly seven times as many calories - 340 per day - during less active pursuits like walking and golfing.
7. Bike away the blues. Men who are suffering from depression are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease as guys who aren't depressed. So c'mon, get happy. In a trial of 150 men and women, Duke researchers found that after just 3 months of treatment, antidepressants and exercise were equally effective at relieving almost all symptoms of depression.
8. Take the stairs. People who walked an extra 4,000 to 5,000 steps each day lowered their blood pressure by an average of 11 points, according to a small study at the University of Tennessee .
1. Watch a scary movie. Anything that causes your heart to race - slasher flicks, a good book, even being in love - also makes your heart stronger, according to researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center . Upsetting the rhythm once in a while is like hitting your heart's reset button, which helps it keep on ticking.
2. Join a group. Any group. According to research from the University of Chicago , lonely people have a harder time dealing with stress and are at greater risk of heart disease than people with a wide circle of friends.
3. Tell your wife to butt out. Or you may leave her - in a hearse. Researchers in Greece found that individuals who were exposed to cigarette smoke for just 30 minutes three times a week had a 26 percent greater risk of developing heart disease than people who rarely encountered secondhand smoke.
4. Check for carbon monoxide. Almost all large household appliances, including furnaces, water heaters, washers, dryers, and fireplaces, can leak carbon monoxide into your home. Large levels of the gas can kill you in hours, but long-term exposure to tiny amounts can be just as lethal, promoting the formation of blood clots and increasing the risk of heart disease. So make sure vents are clear and appliances are properly ventilated, and install a carbon monoxide detector near your bedroom.
5. Wash your hands. German researchers followed 570 people for an average of 3 years and found that those with the most antibodies (from fighting off infections) in their systems also had the most significant clogging in the arteries of their hearts, necks, and legs. Use liquid soap. Germs can live on bars.
6. Ditch the fad diet. University of Michigan researchers found that people whose weight fluctuated wildly - as it tends to do when you adopt the whack-job-diet- of-the-month - had weaker hearts and worse bloodflow than people who lost weight more slowly but kept it off for good.
7. Pee in the bushes. After studying 40 people with heart disease, researchers at Taiwan University in China found that the stress of having a full bladder increases heart rate by an average of 9 beats per minute and constricts the flow of blood by 19 percent. Either could be eno ugh to trigger a heart attack, says study author Tsai Chang-Her, M.D.
8. Meditate 20 minutes a day. According to Thomas Jefferson University researchers, this daily downtime may reduce your anxiety and depression by more than 25 percent. And that's important, since a University of Florida study found that patients with coronary artery disease who had the most mental stress were three times more likely to die during the period of the study than those with the least stress.
9. Touch her. Ten minutes of skin-to-skin contact (hand-holding, hugs) with your mate can help keep your blood pressure and pulse from spiking during stressful times, according to University of North Carolina researchers.
10. Stop at 2 cups. people who drank roughly 4 cups of coffee a day had 11 percent higher levels of heart-damaging homocysteine in their blood than non-coffee drinkers.
11. Stop snoring. Half of all people with sleep apnea - a condition that occurs when people quit breathing for up to a minute at a time while sleeping - also have high blood pressure, caused by unusually high levels of the hormone aldosterone. Beat the apnea and the BP drops, too. Your doctor can prescribe a SleepStrip, an at-home sleep-apnea test.
12. Pair up. Married men are less likely to die of heart disease than bachelors. Toronto-based researchers studied 100 men and women with mild high blood pressure and found that after 3 years of marriage, the happily married men had healthier hearts than their unmarried brothers. Just choose your bride wisely, or your heart will be broken and sick.
13. Have more sex. You might think all that grunting and sweating would increase your risk of a stroke, but University of Bristol researchers say the opposite is actually true. Not only are men who have sex at least twice a week less likely to have a stroke than men who have sex less often, but all that steamy exercise may also help reduce their heart-disease risk by up to a third, compared with guys who aren't getting any.
14. Make friends at work. Researchers at St. Johns University studied 70 New York City traffic cops and found that men with the most work friends also had the lowest heart rates and healthiest blood-pressure levels, even during times of stress.
15. Read a good book. Swiss researchers found that men who recited poetry for half an hour a day lowered their heart rates significantly, reducing their stress levels and possibly their heart-disease risk. You don't need to go all Emily Dickinson; just try reading aloud to your wife or kids instead. Or to yourself. (But not on the subway.)
16. Rub. Massage helps relieve stress and reduce levels of inflammation- triggering chemicals in the skin, says Maria Hernandez-Reif, Ph.D., of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami .
1. Measure BP after exercise. Ask your doctor to measure your blood pressure after a cardiac stress test. "The numbers will be higher, but studies show they'll also be a better indicator of your overall health," says Kerry Stewart, M.D., of Johns Hopkins University .
2. Know what's in your arteries. Results of a highly sensitive C-reactive protein blood test, together with your cholesterol numbers, can help give doctors a more accurate picture of your heart-disease risk. And an apo B measurement may be a more reliable indicator of heart disease than LDL cholesterol, according to a recent review of studies comparing the two.
3. Use the free blood-pressure test (wisely). Most of the free blood-pressure- monitoring machines found in pharmacies aren't 100 percent accurate. According to a Canadian study, the machines can be off by an average of 8 points systolic and 4 points diastolic per reading. Check your BP three times, then average the readings.
4. Get your BP under 120/80. If your blood pressure is high (more than 140/90), knocking 20 points off the top number (systolic BP, the pressure when your heart is contracting) and 10 points off the bottom number (diastolic BP, the pressure when your heart is between beats) can cut your risk of dying of heart disease in half.
Remember: Your heart will benefit more from a few long-term health improvements than from a flurry of activity followed by a return to the dangerous norm.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bad odor can be very unpleasant
Bad odour can be very unpleasant. It is difficult to detect and describe an odour. Some areas of the skin, such as the armpits and genitals, are more likely to produce bad odour because the sweat glands in these areas are slightly different. These glands produce proteins and oily substances that bacteria feed on. Some substances have stronger odours than others, only small amounts have to be present to make someone detect them. The smell of body odour may also be influenced by diet. Certain foods contain chemicals that may be excreted in the skin, such as curry, garlic and other strong spices. Bad odours can do more than simply give people memories of images or sounds. This is because our nasal organ is in direct contact with the system where our memory and our emotions are centred. Each person has a different odour, just like each person has a different fingerprint. To prevent the odours on a farm the air can be washed by means of an absor bent, which removes components that cause odour problems.
Bad odor of a person is dependant upon multiple factors like gender, genetics, health, diet, medication and many more. A person's odour can be linked indirectly to a person's unique genes. The genes of the immune system determine the composition of bacteria on a person's skin. Bad odour is individualistic and differs from person to person. Infact, it is often used for identification of a person by dogs. People who have a condition known as hyperhidrosis tend to sweat excessively, and therefore, they are more likely to develop a strong bad odor. Bad odour may then become a problem, especially if hygiene is poor. Treatment is simple - have regular baths or showers at least once a day. After puberty, an antiperspirant and deodorant is useful to reduce sweating but this is rarely needed for younger children.
Prevention of Bad odour
Avoid closed sweaty shoes such as trainers and wear fresh cotton socks or bare feet in open sandals as often as possible.
Avoiding very spicy foods may help.
Use a deodorant with aluminium or zinc. Either of these metals should kill odour-causing bacteria. Extremely heavy sweaters should use an antiperspirant/deodorant containing aluminium chloride.
During the summer season one needs to take bath at least two to three times a day.
Avoid chain-smoking and heavy drinking.
Home Remedies for Bad odour
Apply an absorbent powder such as baby powder to your underarms after bathing.
Tea made from Fenugreek (methi) seeds is also beneficial in bad odour.
Til oil gargling is good for jaws, depth of voice and good taste for food. By doing this type of gargling one never gets cracked lips, bad odour, sore throat and toothache.
Parsley is a great food to neutralizer. It's leaves are rich in chlorophyll, nature's own deodoriser.
Drink Water throughout the day.
You can also used 10 drops of the essential oil in 30 mm of water and apply on the underarms
Bad odour can be very unpleasant. It is difficult to detect and describe an odour. Some areas of the skin, such as the armpits and genitals, are more likely to produce bad odour because the sweat glands in these areas are slightly different. These glands produce proteins and oily substances that bacteria feed on. Some substances have stronger odours than others, only small amounts have to be present to make someone detect them. The smell of body odour may also be influenced by diet. Certain foods contain chemicals that may be excreted in the skin, such as curry, garlic and other strong spices. Bad odours can do more than simply give people memories of images or sounds. This is because our nasal organ is in direct contact with the system where our memory and our emotions are centred. Each person has a different odour, just like each person has a different fingerprint. To prevent the odours on a farm the air can be washed by means of an absor bent, which removes components that cause odour problems.
Bad odor of a person is dependant upon multiple factors like gender, genetics, health, diet, medication and many more. A person's odour can be linked indirectly to a person's unique genes. The genes of the immune system determine the composition of bacteria on a person's skin. Bad odour is individualistic and differs from person to person. Infact, it is often used for identification of a person by dogs. People who have a condition known as hyperhidrosis tend to sweat excessively, and therefore, they are more likely to develop a strong bad odor. Bad odour may then become a problem, especially if hygiene is poor. Treatment is simple - have regular baths or showers at least once a day. After puberty, an antiperspirant and deodorant is useful to reduce sweating but this is rarely needed for younger children.
Prevention of Bad odour
Avoid closed sweaty shoes such as trainers and wear fresh cotton socks or bare feet in open sandals as often as possible.
Avoiding very spicy foods may help.
Use a deodorant with aluminium or zinc. Either of these metals should kill odour-causing bacteria. Extremely heavy sweaters should use an antiperspirant/deodorant containing aluminium chloride.
During the summer season one needs to take bath at least two to three times a day.
Avoid chain-smoking and heavy drinking.
Home Remedies for Bad odour
Apply an absorbent powder such as baby powder to your underarms after bathing.
Tea made from Fenugreek (methi) seeds is also beneficial in bad odour.
Til oil gargling is good for jaws, depth of voice and good taste for food. By doing this type of gargling one never gets cracked lips, bad odour, sore throat and toothache.
Parsley is a great food to neutralizer. It's leaves are rich in chlorophyll, nature's own deodoriser.
Drink Water throughout the day.
You can also used 10 drops of the essential oil in 30 mm of water and apply on the underarms
Wrinkles appear on the face in the old age. It is natural. This is produced due to ageing. Taking care of the skin in the young age can prevent premature ageing.
Wrinkles appear in the skin when it becomes thin and looses its elasticity. The appearance of some wrinkles is due to aging, and is the most common skin problem for women. One of the first signs of wrinkles normally appears around the eye. As the time passes it appears on the cheeks and lips.
There are many factors that can contribute in the development of wrinkles some of which are: diet and nutrition, muscle tone, pollution, habitual facial expressions, chemicals, stress, improper skin care, and lifestyle habits such as smoking.
The most important factor is exposure to the sun, which is the worst enemy of the skin, because it dries the skin and leads to the generation of free radicals that can damage skin cells. Researches show that 90% of what we think, as signs of age are actually signs of overexposure to sunlight. Furthermore, approximately 70% of sun damage comes from everyday activities, as driving and walking to and from your car.
The ultraviolet-A rays that cause this enormous damage are present all day long in all seasons. These ultraviolet-A rays wear away the elasticity of the skin, causing wrinkling.
Cucumber juice can be effective in alleviating age spot skin problems.
Fresh Papaya juice can remove dead and rough skin, and apple and pineapple juices can help to diminish fine lines, wrinkles and cracked skin.
Regular facial is very necessary to control wrinkles.
Massage increases blood circulation, which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby, reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look.
Apply lemon juice few times a day to reduce the blemishes and age spots
Prepare a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice and apply to the face to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.
Cut a Green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face at wrinkles (lines). Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air. This is very effective home remedy for wrinkles and they will disappear shortly.
Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.
Apply juice of green pineapples and apples the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
Apply pure castor oil to prevent wrinkles
Applying a good quality cream with a firm pressure with the fleshy tips of fingers. Do not apply pressure around eyes. Continue massage for 15 minutes.
For wrinkle treatment wipe off the face with wet cotton.
For fast removal of wrinkles, massage with your all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with rapid circular motion.
For wrinkles on jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers. Pinching is also good if you have double chin.
Massage coconut oil into the skin where wrinkles appear before bed.
Leave metal spoons overnight in the freezer. In the morning when you first wake up, apply the backs of spoons under the eye to reduce under-eye wrinkles. This also helps wi th under-eye circles.
Eat a spoonful of shredded ginger with some honey every morning for wrinkle cure.
Mix two tablespoons vodka, a tablespoon fennel seeds, and 2 teaspoons honey, and let sit for three days. Strain out the fennel seeds and use as a toner on the face.
Remove wrinkles from the face by simmering 1/2-cup rosemary leaves in 2 cups of water for about 30 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of brandy and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
Strain and wipe onto skin every morning and evening to preserve a face free of lines Wash face thoroughly and pat dry. This is also very effective home remedy for wrinkles
Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, seeds, nuts and legumes.
Drink plenty of fluid every day. This help to keep the skin hydrated and to flush away toxins.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes; they dry the skin encouraging the development of wrinkles. Also the smoking habit uses the lips muscles hundreds of times a day, which contributes wrinkling.
Always protect your skin from the sun applying a sunscreen
Prick 3 capsules of vitamin E and drain into small bowl. Add 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to face with cotton ball. Leave on skin for about 10 minutes. Rinse.
For wrinkle cure apply egg yolk once in a week for 10 minutes.
Prepare a mixture of honey, olive oil and cream. Apply it on the face. It gives very good results.
Wrinkles appear in the skin when it becomes thin and looses its elasticity. The appearance of some wrinkles is due to aging, and is the most common skin problem for women. One of the first signs of wrinkles normally appears around the eye. As the time passes it appears on the cheeks and lips.
There are many factors that can contribute in the development of wrinkles some of which are: diet and nutrition, muscle tone, pollution, habitual facial expressions, chemicals, stress, improper skin care, and lifestyle habits such as smoking.
The most important factor is exposure to the sun, which is the worst enemy of the skin, because it dries the skin and leads to the generation of free radicals that can damage skin cells. Researches show that 90% of what we think, as signs of age are actually signs of overexposure to sunlight. Furthermore, approximately 70% of sun damage comes from everyday activities, as driving and walking to and from your car.
The ultraviolet-A rays that cause this enormous damage are present all day long in all seasons. These ultraviolet-A rays wear away the elasticity of the skin, causing wrinkling.
Cucumber juice can be effective in alleviating age spot skin problems.
Fresh Papaya juice can remove dead and rough skin, and apple and pineapple juices can help to diminish fine lines, wrinkles and cracked skin.
Regular facial is very necessary to control wrinkles.
Massage increases blood circulation, which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby, reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look.
Apply lemon juice few times a day to reduce the blemishes and age spots
Prepare a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice and apply to the face to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.
Cut a Green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face at wrinkles (lines). Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air. This is very effective home remedy for wrinkles and they will disappear shortly.
Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.
Apply juice of green pineapples and apples the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
Apply pure castor oil to prevent wrinkles
Applying a good quality cream with a firm pressure with the fleshy tips of fingers. Do not apply pressure around eyes. Continue massage for 15 minutes.
For wrinkle treatment wipe off the face with wet cotton.
For fast removal of wrinkles, massage with your all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with rapid circular motion.
For wrinkles on jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers. Pinching is also good if you have double chin.
Massage coconut oil into the skin where wrinkles appear before bed.
Leave metal spoons overnight in the freezer. In the morning when you first wake up, apply the backs of spoons under the eye to reduce under-eye wrinkles. This also helps wi th under-eye circles.
Eat a spoonful of shredded ginger with some honey every morning for wrinkle cure.
Mix two tablespoons vodka, a tablespoon fennel seeds, and 2 teaspoons honey, and let sit for three days. Strain out the fennel seeds and use as a toner on the face.
Remove wrinkles from the face by simmering 1/2-cup rosemary leaves in 2 cups of water for about 30 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of brandy and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
Strain and wipe onto skin every morning and evening to preserve a face free of lines Wash face thoroughly and pat dry. This is also very effective home remedy for wrinkles
Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, seeds, nuts and legumes.
Drink plenty of fluid every day. This help to keep the skin hydrated and to flush away toxins.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes; they dry the skin encouraging the development of wrinkles. Also the smoking habit uses the lips muscles hundreds of times a day, which contributes wrinkling.
Always protect your skin from the sun applying a sunscreen
Prick 3 capsules of vitamin E and drain into small bowl. Add 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to face with cotton ball. Leave on skin for about 10 minutes. Rinse.
For wrinkle cure apply egg yolk once in a week for 10 minutes.
Prepare a mixture of honey, olive oil and cream. Apply it on the face. It gives very good results.
Eye Allergies
Eye Allergies

Eye allergies can vary from mild irritation of the conjunctiva - the membrane that covers the eyeball and extends to the inside of the eyelids - to severe conjunctival inflammation with corneal scarring.
'Hay fever eyes'
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is the eye equivalent of hay fever and affects up to 25 per cent of the general population. The eyes become itchy, watery and red in the summer pollen season - usually from exposure to grass and tree pollen.
The eyes are very sticky with a stringy discharge
A more severe form of this disease seen in children is vernal conjunctivitis where the symptoms are more intense. The eyes are very sticky with a stringy discharge and pain occurs especially when opening the eyes on waking. The eyelid inner membranes swell with the conjunctiva developing a cobblestone appearance, corneal damage may even occur if the condition is left untreated.
Perennial allergic conjunctivitis tends to occur all year round with house dust mite and cat allergy. The symptoms are usually milder than those in seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.
'Eczema eyes'
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis although rare is the most severe manifestation of allergic eye disease occurring predominantly in adult males. It is the eye equivalent of severe eczema. This persistent condition results in constant itching, dry eyes, blurred vision and is associated with corneal swelling and scarring. Eyelid eczema and infection are common and lens cataracts may develop over time.
Contact lens allergy
Contact lens wearers may develop giant papillary conjunctivitis triggered by the constant local irritation of the contact lenses on the conjunctival surfaces. The lining of the upper eyelid is usually most affected. Disposable contact lenses may help settle symptoms but occasionally contact lens wearing has to be suspended.
Never use steroid eyedrops unless under the direct supervision of a doctor. Steroid eyedrops although very effective for treating eye allergies can lead to unwanted side effects such as glaucoma, cataract formation and encourage infections of the eye with resultant corneal scarring.
What treatment can you get?
The treatment for allergic conjunctivitis involves the regular use of eyedrops. Anti-allergy eyedrops such as sodium chromoglycate, nedocromil sodium, olopatidine and lodoxamide help treat mild seasonal disease. Anti-histamine solutions such as levocabastine work for mild to moderate disease.
The oral anti-histamines - cetirizine, loratadine, mizolastine and fexofenadine - also help, especially when there is associated nasal allergy. In more severe eye allergies corticosteroid eyedrops occasionally have to be used, but this should be for short periods only

Eye allergies can vary from mild irritation of the conjunctiva - the membrane that covers the eyeball and extends to the inside of the eyelids - to severe conjunctival inflammation with corneal scarring.
'Hay fever eyes'
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is the eye equivalent of hay fever and affects up to 25 per cent of the general population. The eyes become itchy, watery and red in the summer pollen season - usually from exposure to grass and tree pollen.
The eyes are very sticky with a stringy discharge
A more severe form of this disease seen in children is vernal conjunctivitis where the symptoms are more intense. The eyes are very sticky with a stringy discharge and pain occurs especially when opening the eyes on waking. The eyelid inner membranes swell with the conjunctiva developing a cobblestone appearance, corneal damage may even occur if the condition is left untreated.
Perennial allergic conjunctivitis tends to occur all year round with house dust mite and cat allergy. The symptoms are usually milder than those in seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.
'Eczema eyes'
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis although rare is the most severe manifestation of allergic eye disease occurring predominantly in adult males. It is the eye equivalent of severe eczema. This persistent condition results in constant itching, dry eyes, blurred vision and is associated with corneal swelling and scarring. Eyelid eczema and infection are common and lens cataracts may develop over time.
Contact lens allergy
Contact lens wearers may develop giant papillary conjunctivitis triggered by the constant local irritation of the contact lenses on the conjunctival surfaces. The lining of the upper eyelid is usually most affected. Disposable contact lenses may help settle symptoms but occasionally contact lens wearing has to be suspended.
Never use steroid eyedrops unless under the direct supervision of a doctor. Steroid eyedrops although very effective for treating eye allergies can lead to unwanted side effects such as glaucoma, cataract formation and encourage infections of the eye with resultant corneal scarring.
What treatment can you get?
The treatment for allergic conjunctivitis involves the regular use of eyedrops. Anti-allergy eyedrops such as sodium chromoglycate, nedocromil sodium, olopatidine and lodoxamide help treat mild seasonal disease. Anti-histamine solutions such as levocabastine work for mild to moderate disease.
The oral anti-histamines - cetirizine, loratadine, mizolastine and fexofenadine - also help, especially when there is associated nasal allergy. In more severe eye allergies corticosteroid eyedrops occasionally have to be used, but this should be for short periods only
Feel Weakness? Try this tips
Feel Weakness? Try this tips
By drinking carrot juice helps to get good strength in body. Those who always remains then carrot's juice is good for them.
Weakness is relieved by eating 3-4 ripe banana's after meal.
By drinking a cup of milk, adding in it 1 tsp of honey gives relief from weakness.
Boil fig in milk, then eat that fig and drink that milk to get strength in the body and to increase the blood.
Eat dates, drink warm milk on it in which ghee is mixed to cure weakness caused due to getting hurt or loss of excessive blood from the wound.
Everyday in the morning and at night while sleeping take equal quantities of sugar and sonamukhi powder and eat it to cure weakness.
By eating white onion roasted in pure ghee cures weaknesses related to body, lungs and total loss of semen.
Body weakness is relieved by drinking Sweet lime juice.
Fry 5 peshi dates in ghee, have it along with rice and take half hour sleep to gain strength and weight relieving weakness.
Boil 1 dry fig, 5-10 almonds and sugar in milk and then drink this milk to purify the blood, to relieve heat of the body and to increase the weight.
Boil milk adding in it almonds, pistachio, cardamom, saffron and sugar. By drinking this milk you get more strength.
By preparing Magaj, Mohanthal or maisoor and eating it daily cures all types of weaknesses and gives strength.
By eating soaked gram daily in the morning after chewing it properly makes the body strong and well-nourished. This remedy is cheaper and unfailing than the costlier medicines.
Weakness caused after waking up from the sickness is cured by eating onion roasted in ghee along with sheera. This also helps to recover the strength again.
Prepare a edible vegetable of tender fenugreek leaves. By eating this vegetable blood gets improved thereby giving strength.
Make 200 gms of powder from dry dates, add 25 gms of dry ginger powder in it and fill this mixture in a glass bottle. From it boil 5-10 gm powder in 200 gms of milk, add sugar as required in it. By drinking this milk everyday in the morning gives strength.
By drinking carrot juice helps to get good strength in body. Those who always remains then carrot's juice is good for them.
Weakness is relieved by eating 3-4 ripe banana's after meal.
By drinking a cup of milk, adding in it 1 tsp of honey gives relief from weakness.
Boil fig in milk, then eat that fig and drink that milk to get strength in the body and to increase the blood.
Eat dates, drink warm milk on it in which ghee is mixed to cure weakness caused due to getting hurt or loss of excessive blood from the wound.
Everyday in the morning and at night while sleeping take equal quantities of sugar and sonamukhi powder and eat it to cure weakness.
By eating white onion roasted in pure ghee cures weaknesses related to body, lungs and total loss of semen.
Body weakness is relieved by drinking Sweet lime juice.
Fry 5 peshi dates in ghee, have it along with rice and take half hour sleep to gain strength and weight relieving weakness.
Boil 1 dry fig, 5-10 almonds and sugar in milk and then drink this milk to purify the blood, to relieve heat of the body and to increase the weight.
Boil milk adding in it almonds, pistachio, cardamom, saffron and sugar. By drinking this milk you get more strength.
By preparing Magaj, Mohanthal or maisoor and eating it daily cures all types of weaknesses and gives strength.
By eating soaked gram daily in the morning after chewing it properly makes the body strong and well-nourished. This remedy is cheaper and unfailing than the costlier medicines.
Weakness caused after waking up from the sickness is cured by eating onion roasted in ghee along with sheera. This also helps to recover the strength again.
Prepare a edible vegetable of tender fenugreek leaves. By eating this vegetable blood gets improved thereby giving strength.
Make 200 gms of powder from dry dates, add 25 gms of dry ginger powder in it and fill this mixture in a glass bottle. From it boil 5-10 gm powder in 200 gms of milk, add sugar as required in it. By drinking this milk everyday in the morning gives strength.
Monday, December 10, 2007
As the blood returns to the heart it passes through special thin walled vessels called veins. Unlike the tough strong arteries, these vessels are easily distended. One can demonstrate by pressing the finger on a vein on the back of hand and watching it swell as the blood builds up behind it. Blood flowing from the head and upper chest flows downward toward the heart. On the other hand, blood coming from the lower extremities must flow upward. To make this possible nature has provided valves in the veins so that the blood can flow only toward the heart, never in the other direction.
In human beings there are two sets of veins. The deeper veins are located within the muscles where they are given good support. But the veins on the surface just under the skin have little support and are easily damaged. These surface veins are often subject to inflammation or phlebitis.
In some people the veins in the legs are weak and may swell easily. Varicose veins, seems to run in families. Anything that increases the pressure in the pelvis or abdomen may slow the flow of blood back to the heart from the lower extremities. One frequent cause of varicose veins is pregnancy; other is obesity. Anything that increases the pressure within the veins of the legs and thighs may weaken or break down the little valves, so that the veins become enlarged and the blood does not finds its way back to the heart as it should.
Varicose veins are ugly, and sometimes they are dangerous. A blood clot forming within a greatly dilated vein may break off and travel to the heart and lungs. This serious condition, known as pulmonary embolism, may actually cause death. Serious hemorrhage may occur if a large varicose vein is torn open or cut. Some people have actually bleed to death, not knowing what to do in such emergency. Steady pressure over the bleeding point will usually control the bleeding. But one should avoid such a danger by having the veins properly treated.
People with varicose veins first note swelling along the course of the veins, followed by muscle cramps and a tired feeling in the legs behind the knees. In some cases the skin over the lower part of the leg may break down, forming a large, ugly ulcer, which is often painful, especially when thrombophlebitis develops in the leg.
To avoid further trouble one should not wear any elastic bands around the legs. Varicose ulcers need special care. The patient should rest in bed, with the legs elevated so that the heel is higher than the knee. Keeping the leg elevated will reduce the swelling by helping the blood return to the heart.
Elastic support stockings are recommended for the people suffering from varicose veins. Support stockings help your leg muscles push blood upward by concentrating pressure near the ankles.
Mix 12 drops each of cypress and geranium essential oils in four ounces of carrier oil such as almond, soy or sunflower. Gently apply the mixture to the legs by stroking upward, in the direction of the heart. Don't massage directly on the veins. This is very useful home remedy for varicose veins.
Massage oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) gently into an affected area. It may help stimulate circulation by causing capillaries to dilate.
Oils of cypress and chamomile (Matticaria recutita) may soothe swelling and inflammation and help relieve pain.
Add whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, to your diet as often as possible. Eat plenty of blackberries and cherries. They are rich in compounds that may prevent varicose veins or lessen the dis comfort they cause.
Vitamin A In the form of beta-carotene, 25,000 IU for skin integrity and to speed varicose ulcer healing.
Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids 1,000 to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 100 to 1,000 milligrams of bioflavonoids in divided daily doses to increase circulation, promote the healing of sores, and strengthen vein walls to prevent dilation.
Sugar, salt, alcohol, fried foods, processed and refined foods, animal protein, cheeses, and ice cream should be avoided.
Horse chestnut can be used both internally and as an external application for problems of venous circulation, including varicose veins.
Butcher's broom tons veins while reducing inflammation.
Gotu Kola strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
For varicose vein natural treatment, take 3 parts of Hawthorn berries, 2 parts of Yarrow 2 parts, 3 parts of Horsechestnut, 1 part of ginger and 2 parts of prickly ash bark. Mix all the ingredients. 3 parts
Ginger 1 part. Use two teaspoonfuls of the mixture. Infuse for fifteen minutes. Drink three times daily. This is also very useful home remedy for varicose veins.
Take two buckets tall enough to submerge the legs up to the knees. Fill one bucket with enough comfortably hot water to cover the lower legs and the other bucket with the same amount of cold water. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts per quart of water or you can add aromatherapy oil to the water. Soak your feet and legs in the hot water for about three minutes, and then immerse them in the cold water for about 30 seconds. Repeat three times, finishing with the cold soak. Perform this treatment once a day for at least one month.
Drink eight ounces of fresh berry or pineapple juice, alone or diluted with another fruit juice, once or twice a day.
One or two glasses daily of fresh fruit or vegetable juices- especially any combination of apple, beet, carrot, celery, citrus, parsley, or pineapple-and dietary supplements may be helpful in preventing and treating varicosities.
Lying flat on the floor and resting the legs on a chair seat or straight up against a wall for 2 minutes drains blood from swollen veins.
Elevating the feet higher than the hips with a recliner or ottoman, and raising the foot of the bed a few inches, helps blood flow back to the heart from the legs.
Practice morning walk briskly or finish your day with a swim or bike ride.
Apply a cloth saturated with apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins for 30 minutes twice a day. Follow this with a drink of 2 teaspoons of the vinegar in a glass of water.
Prepare a mixture by adding 2 cups of chopped calendula flowers, leaves, and stems into an equal amount of melted lard. Let the mixture stand for 24 hours. Reheat and strain. Coat this over your varicose veins and let it stand overnight.
Steep crushed, fresh violet leaves and flowers or marigold flowers in boiling water. Apply compresses of the liquid.
Eat a few fresh marigold petals every day. This treatment is believed to shrink varicosities and nourish the veins.
Prepare a poul tice of bruised cabbage leaves, rotten apples, chopped brown onions, or a half-and-half blend of cod liver oil and raw honey. Apply this overnight. This is believed to heal varicose sores.
Add three tablespoons of sugar to one pint of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Take two ounces of this mixture everyday
Rub your legs with full- strength vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with honey and drink it.
Periods of rest with your feet a few inches above your heart level let gravity work in your favor, helping pooled blood drain from your legs.
Avoid high heels in favor of flat shoes.
Avoid standing for long periods of time. This will reduce pressure on the valves in the veins in your legs.
While standing, get on your tiptoes by lifting your heels off the floor. Do this twenty times, relax for a few minutes, and then repeat.
Jump rope to strengthen the leg muscles and blood vessels. Begin slowly to build up tolerance; jump one minute per session and slowly build up to 5 minutes.
Take a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water three times a day. This will stop the pain in your legs and reduce the varicose veins by making the blood flow better.
For varicose vein treatment, make a blend of half cod liver oil and half raw honey, bandage, and leave on overnight.
Alternating 2 minute icy-cold and very hot soaks (with 2 tablespoons of epsom salts per quart of water) for ten minutes daily will stimulate circulation.
For varicose vein natural treatment, drink 3 cups of white oak bark tea daily.
The herb marigold is valuable in varicose veins. A compress of this herb should be applied externally in the treatment of this disease.
Do not wear tight clothes because they restrict blood flow.
In human beings there are two sets of veins. The deeper veins are located within the muscles where they are given good support. But the veins on the surface just under the skin have little support and are easily damaged. These surface veins are often subject to inflammation or phlebitis.
In some people the veins in the legs are weak and may swell easily. Varicose veins, seems to run in families. Anything that increases the pressure in the pelvis or abdomen may slow the flow of blood back to the heart from the lower extremities. One frequent cause of varicose veins is pregnancy; other is obesity. Anything that increases the pressure within the veins of the legs and thighs may weaken or break down the little valves, so that the veins become enlarged and the blood does not finds its way back to the heart as it should.
Varicose veins are ugly, and sometimes they are dangerous. A blood clot forming within a greatly dilated vein may break off and travel to the heart and lungs. This serious condition, known as pulmonary embolism, may actually cause death. Serious hemorrhage may occur if a large varicose vein is torn open or cut. Some people have actually bleed to death, not knowing what to do in such emergency. Steady pressure over the bleeding point will usually control the bleeding. But one should avoid such a danger by having the veins properly treated.
People with varicose veins first note swelling along the course of the veins, followed by muscle cramps and a tired feeling in the legs behind the knees. In some cases the skin over the lower part of the leg may break down, forming a large, ugly ulcer, which is often painful, especially when thrombophlebitis develops in the leg.
To avoid further trouble one should not wear any elastic bands around the legs. Varicose ulcers need special care. The patient should rest in bed, with the legs elevated so that the heel is higher than the knee. Keeping the leg elevated will reduce the swelling by helping the blood return to the heart.
Elastic support stockings are recommended for the people suffering from varicose veins. Support stockings help your leg muscles push blood upward by concentrating pressure near the ankles.
Mix 12 drops each of cypress and geranium essential oils in four ounces of carrier oil such as almond, soy or sunflower. Gently apply the mixture to the legs by stroking upward, in the direction of the heart. Don't massage directly on the veins. This is very useful home remedy for varicose veins.
Massage oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) gently into an affected area. It may help stimulate circulation by causing capillaries to dilate.
Oils of cypress and chamomile (Matticaria recutita) may soothe swelling and inflammation and help relieve pain.
Add whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, to your diet as often as possible. Eat plenty of blackberries and cherries. They are rich in compounds that may prevent varicose veins or lessen the dis comfort they cause.
Vitamin A In the form of beta-carotene, 25,000 IU for skin integrity and to speed varicose ulcer healing.
Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids 1,000 to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 100 to 1,000 milligrams of bioflavonoids in divided daily doses to increase circulation, promote the healing of sores, and strengthen vein walls to prevent dilation.
Sugar, salt, alcohol, fried foods, processed and refined foods, animal protein, cheeses, and ice cream should be avoided.
Horse chestnut can be used both internally and as an external application for problems of venous circulation, including varicose veins.
Butcher's broom tons veins while reducing inflammation.
Gotu Kola strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
For varicose vein natural treatment, take 3 parts of Hawthorn berries, 2 parts of Yarrow 2 parts, 3 parts of Horsechestnut, 1 part of ginger and 2 parts of prickly ash bark. Mix all the ingredients. 3 parts
Ginger 1 part. Use two teaspoonfuls of the mixture. Infuse for fifteen minutes. Drink three times daily. This is also very useful home remedy for varicose veins.
Take two buckets tall enough to submerge the legs up to the knees. Fill one bucket with enough comfortably hot water to cover the lower legs and the other bucket with the same amount of cold water. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts per quart of water or you can add aromatherapy oil to the water. Soak your feet and legs in the hot water for about three minutes, and then immerse them in the cold water for about 30 seconds. Repeat three times, finishing with the cold soak. Perform this treatment once a day for at least one month.
Drink eight ounces of fresh berry or pineapple juice, alone or diluted with another fruit juice, once or twice a day.
One or two glasses daily of fresh fruit or vegetable juices- especially any combination of apple, beet, carrot, celery, citrus, parsley, or pineapple-and dietary supplements may be helpful in preventing and treating varicosities.
Lying flat on the floor and resting the legs on a chair seat or straight up against a wall for 2 minutes drains blood from swollen veins.
Elevating the feet higher than the hips with a recliner or ottoman, and raising the foot of the bed a few inches, helps blood flow back to the heart from the legs.
Practice morning walk briskly or finish your day with a swim or bike ride.
Apply a cloth saturated with apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins for 30 minutes twice a day. Follow this with a drink of 2 teaspoons of the vinegar in a glass of water.
Prepare a mixture by adding 2 cups of chopped calendula flowers, leaves, and stems into an equal amount of melted lard. Let the mixture stand for 24 hours. Reheat and strain. Coat this over your varicose veins and let it stand overnight.
Steep crushed, fresh violet leaves and flowers or marigold flowers in boiling water. Apply compresses of the liquid.
Eat a few fresh marigold petals every day. This treatment is believed to shrink varicosities and nourish the veins.
Prepare a poul tice of bruised cabbage leaves, rotten apples, chopped brown onions, or a half-and-half blend of cod liver oil and raw honey. Apply this overnight. This is believed to heal varicose sores.
Add three tablespoons of sugar to one pint of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Take two ounces of this mixture everyday
Rub your legs with full- strength vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with honey and drink it.
Periods of rest with your feet a few inches above your heart level let gravity work in your favor, helping pooled blood drain from your legs.
Avoid high heels in favor of flat shoes.
Avoid standing for long periods of time. This will reduce pressure on the valves in the veins in your legs.
While standing, get on your tiptoes by lifting your heels off the floor. Do this twenty times, relax for a few minutes, and then repeat.
Jump rope to strengthen the leg muscles and blood vessels. Begin slowly to build up tolerance; jump one minute per session and slowly build up to 5 minutes.
Take a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water three times a day. This will stop the pain in your legs and reduce the varicose veins by making the blood flow better.
For varicose vein treatment, make a blend of half cod liver oil and half raw honey, bandage, and leave on overnight.
Alternating 2 minute icy-cold and very hot soaks (with 2 tablespoons of epsom salts per quart of water) for ten minutes daily will stimulate circulation.
For varicose vein natural treatment, drink 3 cups of white oak bark tea daily.
The herb marigold is valuable in varicose veins. A compress of this herb should be applied externally in the treatment of this disease.
Do not wear tight clothes because they restrict blood flow.
A toothache is any pain or soreness within or around a tooth, indicating inflammation and possible infection. Generally a toothache happens if tooth decay penetrated the pulp chamber or is very close to it, which contains the nerves and tiny blood vessels.
An improper diet favors the development of tooth disease and other maladies of the mouth. Food particles lodged in the area may provide a suitable place for the growth of bacteria, and these in turn produce a local acid reaction which then attacks the surface of the tooth.
Once the enamel has been eroded away the body of the tooth is more easily damaged. Eventually inflammation develops in the pulp chamber of the tooth, resulting in the pain of tooth. At first the tooth may be merely sensitive to hot and cold substances in the mouth, or perhaps to pressure from biting. Later, as an abscess forms at the base of the tooth, the pain becomes more severe. It may be sharp, throbbing, shooting, or constant.
Some of the important causes of toothache are:
Inflammation of the tooth pulp.
Erosion exposure of sensitive dentine
Involvement of peridental membrane
Involvement of the periosteum of the jaw, traumatic, septic infection after tooth extraction
Occasionally malposition of delayed eruption of a tooth or inflammation of the gum or the antrum.
Add a half tea spoon of salt to a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution every few hours as needed. This is very useful home remedy for toothache.
For toothache treatment apply an ice bag to the side of the face where the pain is felt.
If there is food debris in the cavity of the tooth, gently remove, and apply a small wad of cotton containing oil of cloves to reduce the pain.
Prepare a paste by mixing oil of cloves with a small quantity of zinc oxide powder. Use this paste to fill the cavity in the aching tooth. This will prevent the food materials from accumulating in the cavity.
Peel and crush a clove of fresh garlic and mix it with peanut butter. Apply it to the aching tooth and keep it there for some time.
Add some limejuice to asafetida (hing) powder. Soak a piece of cotton and hold it on the tooth and gum.
Burn some turmeric (haldi) sticks, make a fine powder and use as toothpowder.
Chew a ginger piece slowly with the aching tooth/teeth to release its juice and leave there for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times. This is also very useful home remedy for toothache.
Drink the juice of 2-3 star fruit twice a day to get relief from the tooth pain.
Boil 5 gram of peppermint and a pinch of salt in 1 cup of water. Drink it to relieve toothache and other pains.
Pour a few drops of Vanilla extract on the paining tooth.
For toothache treatment pour a few drops oil of oregano on the paining tooth or gum.
Mix together fresh peanuts, shelled and crushed, and onion, peeled and crushed, to form a fine paste. The paste is smeared on one side of something, like a piece of bread. This is placed inside the mouth, pressed against the sore tooth. This is left for a few hours, and nothing is drunk or eaten etc.
Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Placing a small piece of o nion on the bad tooth or gum often relieves toothache.
Vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums
The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches.
Prepare a paste of the bark of bay berry with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will relieve the toothache.
Apply a mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of common salt on the affected tooth. Its daily use prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches
It is important to restrict one's sugar intake, and to ensure that the diet includes plenty of raw vegetables and whole-wheat bread. Whole foods are ideal for the teeth. Fibreless refined foods allow particles to accumulate on the teeth in a sticky mass where they can do great harm.
Prepa re a paste by adding two teaspoons of activated charcoal powder with just enough water. Apply it to a piece of gauze and place the gauze on the tooth. Bite down.
Boil 5-6 cloves and 2- inch bark of a Margosa tree (Neem) in 1 cup of water. Strain and bottle. Store this in the fridge. Smear this decoction on the affected tooth.
A wad of cotton wool soaked in brandy can be squeezed against a cavity to numb the pain of toothache
An improper diet favors the development of tooth disease and other maladies of the mouth. Food particles lodged in the area may provide a suitable place for the growth of bacteria, and these in turn produce a local acid reaction which then attacks the surface of the tooth.
Once the enamel has been eroded away the body of the tooth is more easily damaged. Eventually inflammation develops in the pulp chamber of the tooth, resulting in the pain of tooth. At first the tooth may be merely sensitive to hot and cold substances in the mouth, or perhaps to pressure from biting. Later, as an abscess forms at the base of the tooth, the pain becomes more severe. It may be sharp, throbbing, shooting, or constant.
Some of the important causes of toothache are:
Inflammation of the tooth pulp.
Erosion exposure of sensitive dentine
Involvement of peridental membrane
Involvement of the periosteum of the jaw, traumatic, septic infection after tooth extraction
Occasionally malposition of delayed eruption of a tooth or inflammation of the gum or the antrum.
Add a half tea spoon of salt to a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution every few hours as needed. This is very useful home remedy for toothache.
For toothache treatment apply an ice bag to the side of the face where the pain is felt.
If there is food debris in the cavity of the tooth, gently remove, and apply a small wad of cotton containing oil of cloves to reduce the pain.
Prepare a paste by mixing oil of cloves with a small quantity of zinc oxide powder. Use this paste to fill the cavity in the aching tooth. This will prevent the food materials from accumulating in the cavity.
Peel and crush a clove of fresh garlic and mix it with peanut butter. Apply it to the aching tooth and keep it there for some time.
Add some limejuice to asafetida (hing) powder. Soak a piece of cotton and hold it on the tooth and gum.
Burn some turmeric (haldi) sticks, make a fine powder and use as toothpowder.
Chew a ginger piece slowly with the aching tooth/teeth to release its juice and leave there for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times. This is also very useful home remedy for toothache.
Drink the juice of 2-3 star fruit twice a day to get relief from the tooth pain.
Boil 5 gram of peppermint and a pinch of salt in 1 cup of water. Drink it to relieve toothache and other pains.
Pour a few drops of Vanilla extract on the paining tooth.
For toothache treatment pour a few drops oil of oregano on the paining tooth or gum.
Mix together fresh peanuts, shelled and crushed, and onion, peeled and crushed, to form a fine paste. The paste is smeared on one side of something, like a piece of bread. This is placed inside the mouth, pressed against the sore tooth. This is left for a few hours, and nothing is drunk or eaten etc.
Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Placing a small piece of o nion on the bad tooth or gum often relieves toothache.
Vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums
The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches.
Prepare a paste of the bark of bay berry with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will relieve the toothache.
Apply a mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of common salt on the affected tooth. Its daily use prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches
It is important to restrict one's sugar intake, and to ensure that the diet includes plenty of raw vegetables and whole-wheat bread. Whole foods are ideal for the teeth. Fibreless refined foods allow particles to accumulate on the teeth in a sticky mass where they can do great harm.
Prepa re a paste by adding two teaspoons of activated charcoal powder with just enough water. Apply it to a piece of gauze and place the gauze on the tooth. Bite down.
Boil 5-6 cloves and 2- inch bark of a Margosa tree (Neem) in 1 cup of water. Strain and bottle. Store this in the fridge. Smear this decoction on the affected tooth.
A wad of cotton wool soaked in brandy can be squeezed against a cavity to numb the pain of toothache
Thyroid gland is a small mass of tissue present on either side of the trachea or windpipe. It is a very important structure that helps in the metabolism of the body.
When the basal metabolism is below normal, a person tends to be slow in his movements. He feels cold more and may have marked dryness of the skin, along with constipation and a tendency to put on weight. His hair is dry, thin, and coarse and the skin appears dry, scaly and thickened. There may be puffiness in the face, especially around the eyes. The tongue is usually large, the pulse is slow and regular, and the patient often complains of vague pains in the back and stiffness in the joints.
Hypothyroidism: It is a condition that results from the insufficient amount of thyroid hormone in the body. The trouble may also develop from pituitary deficiency, but is more likely due to some inborn error of the thyroid gland. The change usually comes gradually and involves the patient's personality and also his ability to think.
Hypothyroidism is seen in both sexes, but is more common in women. Most of these are overweight and may complain of heavy flow during menstruation. The heart is often enlarged, and there is high level of cholesterol in the blood stream.
Hyperthyroidism : It is also known as Grave's disease or thyrotoxicosis. It is a serious condition of the body, arising from too much activity of the thyroid gland. The increased amounts of thyroid hormone produced by the overactive gland will then raise the metabolic rate of the body.
It is mainly present in the age group of 20 –30 years of age. It is more frequent in males but is more dangerous in females. Violent emotions, fear, anger and grief are thought to be exciting causes. Prolonged lactation, or diarrhea, excessive mental work is predisposing causes. Other important causes may include heredity, traumatism, physical strain, mental overwork, toxemias, and dysfunction of the internal glands especially the adrenals.
As a result of the tachycardia myocardial degeneration may result. The orbital adipose is increased; also an increase of blood and lymph in the orbit. The enlargement of thyroid is due to marked dilatation of its blood vessels, especially the arteries.
"A peculiar disease combining three characteristic conditions namely: protrusion of the eyeballs, enlargement of the thyroid gland and functional disturbances of the heart. The neurotic symptoms are the early to appear. The tremors, which are involuntary and fine, may number from 425 to 500 per minute.
Palpitation of the heart, which accompanies the tachycardia, is at first light but increases rapidly, usually brought on and always aggravated by mental excitement. The heart beat runs from 100 to 160. Symptoms of neurasthenia may be present. Great excitability, mental depression and melancholia are frequent symptoms.
Exophatalamus varies in different patients. Immobility of the upper lid, a white line is noticeable above and below the cornea and marked dryness of the membrane is the important eye symptoms. Abnormalities of the optic nerve are rare. Ulcers of the cornea may also occasionally occur. The arteries of the retina may pulsate with the heartbeat.
The skin symptoms are: slight rise of temperature, sometimes profuse sweating, urticaria, pruritis, in advanced cases edema, especially of the ankles, frequent flushing of the face, epistaxis, vomiting and purging.
A patient with this disease is usually nervous, weak, sensitive to heat, sweats frequently, is overactive and often underweight, inspite of an increased appetite. The patient eats healthy but continues to lose weight because of the higher rate of metabolism in the body.
Kelp Sea Weed is an excellent antioxidant and contains iodine to assist thyroid function.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps increases plasma levels, helps with weight loss and is a crucial building block of thyroid hormone.
Spirulina is very useful for maintaning the over all health.
Take Vitamin B Complex. It improves cellular oxygenation and energy, and helps with digestion, immune and thyroid function.
Primrose Oil, is an essential fatty that is important for proper thyroid function.
Bladderwrack is high in iodine, which is beneficial for hypothyroidism.
Irish Moss nourishes the thyroid and is useful for thyroid gland problem.
Agnus Castus supports the pituitary gland and helps balance estrogen, which is known to interfere with normal thyroid function.
Black Cohosh helps balance estrogen levels and may be useful in thyroid conditions.
Siberian Ginseng helps the adrenal and thymus glands, which help support thyr oid health. This is very effective home remedy for thyroid gland.
Black walnut is rich in organic iodine and manganese that nourishes and strengthens thyroid function.
Mullein covers and protects tissues and reduces swelling in glands.
Calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, neodynium, terbium, thullium are minerals and trace elements necessary for the good functioning of important metabolic reactions in the thyroid.
Take low calorie foods and it is important to cut down on cakes, biscuits, sweets and alcoholic drinks that are relatively high in calories, but low in nutrients.
Increase your physical activity.
Continue to be cheerful and enjoy your life.
Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, eggs, carrots, and dark green vegetables for thyroid gland cure.
Iodine rich foods that nourish the thyroid are: fish and sea vegetables such as: arame, kelp, dulse, hijike, nori, wakame, and kombu. Seawee ds are very nourishing to the glands.
When the basal metabolism is below normal, a person tends to be slow in his movements. He feels cold more and may have marked dryness of the skin, along with constipation and a tendency to put on weight. His hair is dry, thin, and coarse and the skin appears dry, scaly and thickened. There may be puffiness in the face, especially around the eyes. The tongue is usually large, the pulse is slow and regular, and the patient often complains of vague pains in the back and stiffness in the joints.
Hypothyroidism: It is a condition that results from the insufficient amount of thyroid hormone in the body. The trouble may also develop from pituitary deficiency, but is more likely due to some inborn error of the thyroid gland. The change usually comes gradually and involves the patient's personality and also his ability to think.
Hypothyroidism is seen in both sexes, but is more common in women. Most of these are overweight and may complain of heavy flow during menstruation. The heart is often enlarged, and there is high level of cholesterol in the blood stream.
Hyperthyroidism : It is also known as Grave's disease or thyrotoxicosis. It is a serious condition of the body, arising from too much activity of the thyroid gland. The increased amounts of thyroid hormone produced by the overactive gland will then raise the metabolic rate of the body.
It is mainly present in the age group of 20 –30 years of age. It is more frequent in males but is more dangerous in females. Violent emotions, fear, anger and grief are thought to be exciting causes. Prolonged lactation, or diarrhea, excessive mental work is predisposing causes. Other important causes may include heredity, traumatism, physical strain, mental overwork, toxemias, and dysfunction of the internal glands especially the adrenals.
As a result of the tachycardia myocardial degeneration may result. The orbital adipose is increased; also an increase of blood and lymph in the orbit. The enlargement of thyroid is due to marked dilatation of its blood vessels, especially the arteries.
"A peculiar disease combining three characteristic conditions namely: protrusion of the eyeballs, enlargement of the thyroid gland and functional disturbances of the heart. The neurotic symptoms are the early to appear. The tremors, which are involuntary and fine, may number from 425 to 500 per minute.
Palpitation of the heart, which accompanies the tachycardia, is at first light but increases rapidly, usually brought on and always aggravated by mental excitement. The heart beat runs from 100 to 160. Symptoms of neurasthenia may be present. Great excitability, mental depression and melancholia are frequent symptoms.
Exophatalamus varies in different patients. Immobility of the upper lid, a white line is noticeable above and below the cornea and marked dryness of the membrane is the important eye symptoms. Abnormalities of the optic nerve are rare. Ulcers of the cornea may also occasionally occur. The arteries of the retina may pulsate with the heartbeat.
The skin symptoms are: slight rise of temperature, sometimes profuse sweating, urticaria, pruritis, in advanced cases edema, especially of the ankles, frequent flushing of the face, epistaxis, vomiting and purging.
A patient with this disease is usually nervous, weak, sensitive to heat, sweats frequently, is overactive and often underweight, inspite of an increased appetite. The patient eats healthy but continues to lose weight because of the higher rate of metabolism in the body.
Kelp Sea Weed is an excellent antioxidant and contains iodine to assist thyroid function.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps increases plasma levels, helps with weight loss and is a crucial building block of thyroid hormone.
Spirulina is very useful for maintaning the over all health.
Take Vitamin B Complex. It improves cellular oxygenation and energy, and helps with digestion, immune and thyroid function.
Primrose Oil, is an essential fatty that is important for proper thyroid function.
Bladderwrack is high in iodine, which is beneficial for hypothyroidism.
Irish Moss nourishes the thyroid and is useful for thyroid gland problem.
Agnus Castus supports the pituitary gland and helps balance estrogen, which is known to interfere with normal thyroid function.
Black Cohosh helps balance estrogen levels and may be useful in thyroid conditions.
Siberian Ginseng helps the adrenal and thymus glands, which help support thyr oid health. This is very effective home remedy for thyroid gland.
Black walnut is rich in organic iodine and manganese that nourishes and strengthens thyroid function.
Mullein covers and protects tissues and reduces swelling in glands.
Calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, neodynium, terbium, thullium are minerals and trace elements necessary for the good functioning of important metabolic reactions in the thyroid.
Take low calorie foods and it is important to cut down on cakes, biscuits, sweets and alcoholic drinks that are relatively high in calories, but low in nutrients.
Increase your physical activity.
Continue to be cheerful and enjoy your life.
Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, eggs, carrots, and dark green vegetables for thyroid gland cure.
Iodine rich foods that nourish the thyroid are: fish and sea vegetables such as: arame, kelp, dulse, hijike, nori, wakame, and kombu. Seawee ds are very nourishing to the glands.
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