Monday, November 26, 2007


Rheumatism is an inflammatory condition that mainly affects the children and young people in their teens. It is considered to be an allergic condition that mainly attacks the connective tissues of the body, causing joint pains and St. Vitus' dance due to central nervous irritation and skin lesions. The most serious damage that this disease brings is the damage to the valves of the heart. Certain streptococcus germs present in the throat are sometimes responsible.

The important causes of Rheumatism are:

An infective lesion, especially tonsillitis.
Endemic and epidemic influences.
Hereditary influences.
It occurs mostly in cities of the temperate latitudes.
Age 15 to 35; sex, more frequently in men than in women, and worse in February, March and April.
Overcrowding, malnutrition, and dampness often play some part.
Small outbreaks of rheumatic fever may occur in army barracks.
It usually strikes first in childhood, around eight years of age. The child comes down with a sore throat or cold, followed by an attack of tonsillitis or perhaps scarlet fever. While the patient is recovering, his one or two larger joints become red, swollen, and tender to the touch. There is also soreness in the muscles and tendons, as well as lack of appetite and a feeling of weakness. Tender nodules may appear on the skin, particularly over the joints, such as the elbows. Bleeding from the nose is common in rheumatic fever.

Pains in the chest mean that the inflammation has reached the pericardium and the heart muscle. The child may develop pneumonia, pleurisy and even abdominal pain resembling acute appendicitis. The patient may become fidgety resembling St. Vitus dance. This is more common in girls but also occur in boys. Hand movements may be rapid, jerky, and irregular and the patient has a tendency to drop things from hands. There may be muscle weakness and even some difficulty in chewing and swallowing, particularly in young girls.

In some children the disease may be of a low grade. He is easily fatigued and may not gain weight, as he should. The pulse rate may be rapid and low-grade fever may be present continuing for long periods of time. The child may complain of growing pains. This means an aching pain in the muscles and joints, and in the heart.

Many cases of the disease have no specific lesions. In few cases the synovial membrane of the affected joints are swollen and have some fibrin upon three surfaces. The serous effusion about the joint has been found sterile with few exceptions, but contains fibrin and in most cases leukocytes. The sheets of the tendons may become inflamed, the cartilages eroded and occasionally pus may be found in the exudates. Serious complications such as pericarditis, endocarditis and myocarditis may be present

General symptoms such as malaise, angina, temperature, laryngitis etc are present. Swelling of the synovial membrane of the various joints, which are tender, red and sore are present. Pain is the most important symptoms, which may be migrating, from one joint to the, from one side of the body to the other.

Cardiac complications usually come suddenly and without warning. The increase of temperature, the palpitation, the dsypnoea, the soreness and pain may be slight. Endocarditis is present in 27 to 35 percent of cases and it comes during the first ten or twelve days of the disease. The disease weakens the muscular walls and dilates the ventricles, especially the left.

A profuse, sour smelling perspiration is also an important symptom. Erythema nodosum, urticaria haemorrhagica and ecchymoses may also occur. Subcutaneous nodules, which are small, painless, firm movable, usually attached to the fascia are also present. They usually appear about the fingers, wrists, patella, ankle and elbow. They are composed of round and spindle shaped cells. They change their place from one joint to the other.

Restlessness, insomnia, delirium, melancholia, convulsions, meningitis and coma may be present. Chorea both accompanies and follows the disease, especially in children.

The urine is scanty and dark red. Urates are deposited after the urine stands for a short time. The chlorides are decreased, sometimes absent.


To get relief from pain and inflammation soak in a hot bath a little rosemary.
To reduce the soreness take willow and wintergreen.
Massage garlic oil, lobelia, or comfrey, hops, or horseradish tea into sore areas to get relief from pain and inflammation.
Take calcium, magnesium, and vitamins C and E to promote healing.
Take alfalfa, chaparral, and parsley in capsule form to reduce inflammation and cleanse the body of deposits.
Drink red raspberry tea to fasten the healing process.
To get relief take a tablespoon of fruit pectin in a small glass of cranberry juice every morning.
For rheumatism treatment, 0avoid sugar, white flour, macaroni, pie, cake, and sweet drinks from diet.
Prepare a drink by adding four raw finely sliced beets soaked in a quart of berry wine for one day. Drink one small glass before meals, three times a day.
Dissolve 4 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses in one quart of cranberry juice and drink one glass everyday.
Dissolve100 aspirins in a pint of rubbing alcohol to get relief from sore joints.
Take equal parts of Epsom salts, cream of tartar and ground rhubarb root, mixes, fills gelatin capsules, and takes one after each meal.
Take two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene. Take a bath with this oil.
Add one-tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before going to bed.
For cure for rheumatism, rub the aching joints with hot vinegar before going to bed.
Take 2 tablespoons mullein, 3 of granulated slippery elm bark, one of lobelia, 1-teaspoon cayenne. Mix thoroughly. Use boiling water to make paste. Spread on cloth and place on swollen joints.
Take two teaspoons apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey. Dissolve in a small glass of warm water. Take once or twice a day to get relief.
Steep six ounces of sassafras root in fifth of whiskey for 24 hours. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.
Another very effective home remedy for rheumatism is - Steep 1-cup alfalfa seed in 1/2 gallon boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain, put in jar, and take small glassful three times a day.
Mix camphor, methyl salicylate. eucalyptus oil and menthol to make a rubbing mixture for aches and pains.
Mix fresh carrot juice with equal parts of lemon juice. Take one large spoonful everyday.
Drinking sarsaparilla tea is also good for joint pains.
Take one tablespoon of fresh limejuice in two tablespoons of water nights and mornings.
Prepare a mixture by adding 1 oz. of oil of wintergreen, 3 oz. chloroform, and 12 oz. of rubbing alcohol.
After heat treatment, rub down the sore sports with a mixture of 1/2 cup of wintergreen mixed with 1-1/2 cups camphor and soap liniment.
Mix equal parts of the following herbs: black cohosh, gentian root, angelica, Colombo, scull cap, valerian, rue and buckthorn bark, and take one heaping teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Let steep, and drink three 1/2 cups per day.
Drink plenty of water to keep the body clean. Keep an optimistic outlook. Avoid depressive thoughts and nervous tension. A healthy body and mind resist diseases.
Sunshine, sunbaths, and deep breathing of fresh air are very important for rheumatism treatment.
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, but exercise moderation when eating highly acid fruits.
Avoid cocktails, coffee, and tea. Drink plenty of fresh water instead. Select wholesome foods, eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
Moderation in eating, avoiding overweight, and thorough elimination are excellent prevention practices.
Good living habits, an optimistic attitude, avoiding tension, strain, and stress are good preventative practices.
Cooked apricots without sugar are very helpful in curing the affected joints.
Eating too much meat, which contains uric acid, is very bad for joints.
Avoid fat foods, fried foods, pork, uric acid, starches, sugar, sweets, carbonated drinks, salt, pepper, spices, hot sausage, hot peppers, pickled meats, alcohol and strong acid drinks. Use acid fruits moderately.
Get plenty of rest, have the right kind of posture mattress, cover with warm comfortable blankets, get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Take deep breathing exercises and walk often for exercise and good health.
Cod liver oil is the best old time remedy for joints.
Take 3 wild cherry roots, 3 burdock roots, 3 Oregon grape roots, wash them, chops, covers with a gallon of water, simmers for 30 minutes, strains liquid into bottle and take a half glass every morning before breakfast. This is very effective home remedy for rheumatism.
A good rub is made from 2 oz. each of eucalyptus oil, oil of wintergreen, rubbing alcohol and witch hazel. Mix, shake, and rub on affected joints.
Drinking 2 tblspns of raw Potato juice before meals to get relief.
5-6 Walnuts can be eaten daily. Take care to chew the Walnuts really well.
Make a powder of Celery seeds (Ajwain). Add 1 tspn to a cup of hot water and drink before meals.
The juice of raw potato is regarded as excellent remedy fur rheumatism. One or two teaspoons of the juice, taken out by pressing mashed raw potatoes, should be taken before meals.
Wash thirty grams of the potato peelings and boil in half a litre of water till it is reduced to half. The decoction should then be strained and a glass of the same should be taken three or four times daily.
Bitter gourd is considered beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism. A cup of juice, extracted from the vegetable, should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey, and taken daily for treating this condition.
Celery is another effective remedy for rheumatism. A fluidextract of the seeds is more powerful than the raw vegetable.
Lemons are very effective in the treatment of rheumatism. The patient should take the juice of two or three lemons each day. This will bring good results
The herb rhubarb has been found valuable in rheumatism. The green stalks of this herb should be pounded with an equal quantity of sugar. A teaspoonful should be taken three or four times a day.
Take 3 oranges, 3 lemons, 3 grapefruit, 3 teaspoons cream of tartar, 1 tablespoon, and Epsom salt, 1-quart boiling water. Cut the fruit up and let stand in a large jar for 24 hours. Add cream of tartar, Epsom salt, and boiling water, then let stand for another 24 hours. Squeeze the mixture with your hands. Press through a coarse sieve. Take a wine glass full before each meal. This is very effective home remedy for rheumatism

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